
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 year ago

There is usually a 10% off promo code floating around to get it from $15 to $13.50. But hey, $1.50 is $1.50


I went on to Apollo to basically see/look at what Reddit looked like, because I am curious.

I have a lot of filtered out keywords/subs and so my front page kinda looked like what I had left a few weeks ago. However I hopped into the comments for stickied threads and I read some of the weirdest comments. Talking about how the 3PA devs are the problem, that Reddit needs to make money, and how they’re happy with Reddit’s decision

It felt like I was reading a bunch of comments from cult members. They were saying stuff like “I’m Team Reddit” when talking about the devs vs Reddit. And a lot of the subs I would have expected to be closed indefinitely are back to normal. I expected that reddits activity level would be relatively the same, and I’m extremely happy with having found Lemmy and other people who share the same values I do

I don’t know why I posted this, I think mostly due to getting my thoughts out there and talk to others about this. When the Apollo decision was announced, I kinda found myself “touching grass” more often. I stopped using reddit and started riding my bike outside or lifting more often. Lemmy and YT didn’t fill up the space that Reddit took up, but I think I’m happier now that I’m touching grass and I’m consuming longer form content

I’ve rambled on long enough, so I guess my question to you is, what is your favorite ice cream treat/dish/flavor? I’m more of a M&M vanilla ice cream cone kinda person

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I’m not a fan of the pun chains that somehow always ended up at the top of any Reddit comment thread

There could be a post about electricity and one of the top threads will have a joke about Watts, amps, shock, resistance, ohms, and other electric terms. The least they could have done is use Siemens, but it’s always basic wordplay that anyone can think of

And the worst part is that pun threads can be found any post regardless of the gravity of the situation. Titty post? Puns. Mundane news? Puns. A post of an innocent person being wrongly executed by electrocution? Puns.

Everyone thinks they are/wants to be a comedian, and they’d rather post a low quality joke than to add to the discussion or not say anything at all

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I spoke to my GP/PCP about thinking I have ADHD, and they gave me 2 options. Either prescribe me meds or refer me to a specialist.

I went to a specialist who then administered me like 4-5 different tests/discussions. And they were able to tell me their perspective of if I had it or not

The therapist might be able to help run you through some of those tests, and they might be able to sniff out if you’re bored or overstimulated instead. In either case, I would come to the first meeting open minded and have overarching goals and bullet points you would like to go over and take the discussion from there