
joined 1 year ago

Revisited the planet from the bathysphere quest line, picked up a sunken ship and hung out at the station for a while to see if anything fun showed up before I scrapped it. Nothing extra special, but hey, if you like yellow…

Also what’s the deal, sorting by new is a bit depressing. Did everyone crawl back to Spez’s basement so soon?


I started my save as a rookie and just accepted the first freighter I was offered. It was a B class and had plenty of base built with parts I hadn’t even unlocked yet which was great for me ‘cause I was so early-game. Finally decided to get around to upgrading to a top of the line freighter, and after a couple weeks just casually checking out every freighter I happened to see the best I saw was a couple A’s.

Today I pretty much exclusively hunted for freighters for four hour (not contiguous hours, I can’t game for that long all at once!) without finding an S class. Finally, I caught an A I liked the look of, so I settled. Before I start spending bulkheads, is it worth it to keep casually looking for an S? Like, is there really any bonus beyond more supercharged slots? Searching gives me few results and most of it is 2-3 years old so may not even apply anymore.

I’d love to hear the groups advice, anecdotes, and other random freighter knowledge.


Found some big “normal” looking Diplodocus on an ice planet today while doing my quicksilver missions. Someone was there first for sure ‘cause there was a pretty half-assed base next to a portal where I landed. Still, cool to organically find one that doesn’t look bizarre.


It’s a class 3 economy so you can probably re-load for something better than a C tier. Upgraded to S tier it’s got four supercharged slots on the left and I got over 50,000 potential damage with some perfectly average neutron cannon weapon tech.


I’m like 70% sure Tab is pink. Is Tab still a thing or did Monster and RedBull and the rest kill it?


I think it was very creative of Hello Games to handle colors the way they did. We got infinite worlds and all those worlds care going to need a “look”, something if not unique to that world then at least different to the point that every twelfth planet you visit looks like that one you were on yesterday. We get atmospheric differences from planets to planets, blue sky here, yellow sky there, and all the variations for soil and plant life and everything.

What I really like is the color shifted worlds. If you’ve played for a while you’re sure to have noticed your ship looks a different shade on the local space station than it does on a planets surface. There’s also whole worlds where they seemingly started with a normal set of colors and then desaturated everything, or otherwise filtered everything.

Look at my image. I got the same jet pack trails in both, they look like “what’s on the tin” on the anomaly, but on one of the color shifted worlds, they’re yellow, like very yellow. How does anyone feel about these shifted worlds? I like them, they keep things interesting. It makes me wonder if things are set up like either sky = blue for some worlds and blue = magenta on others. Each set of rules will give you colorful worlds, doing it two different ways just adds variety.


First, RIP meme legend Dave Brandt. Farming can be pretty tedious, and some of the things that make it easier are just plane ugly! I’m looking at you bio-domes!

If you want to farm circuit boards, which as far as I can tell are the most cost-effective, single site, single planet farm there’s no way around it, you need some planters. I should note I gave up on farming stasis devices because I didn’t care for looping between three gas-farm planets and endless refining to get condensed carbon.

For a long time I just set up bio-domes in a row (with a four-space planter in the center of each) for how ever many plants I needed for the math to come out right. Then I’d run through harvesting all with one button push until I got to the end. I tried making loops, or long runs with a short-distance teleporter to get me back to the start. It works, it’s just utilitarian and unappealing. And those domes really clash with wood, stone, or metal walls, they only match with the pre-fabs.

For something new I’ve tried setting up a big airy room with rows of planters. I feel like that really looks a great deal better. It’s also nice that I can pretty much keep the same style between the “grow room” and the rest of my base. Harvesting 80 something plants one at a time isn’t awesome, I can handle it once a day though.

Has anyone found themselves having to make a similar choice between an efficient harvest and an appealing layout? Did you find a way to make bio-domes look good with the rest of the base? Do you like the look? I’m curious to hear what other people have done. The only set ups I know other folks are using are the ones people have put into tutorials and they are all really cookie-cutter. What are all us random schmoes doing?


Encountered my first robot fauna today, and they don’t eat creature pellets, they eat batteries. Like, when I go to my companion registry, there isn’t a creature pellets icon theres an ion battery icon!

Is that only when I’m in proximity to a robot fauna, like it will automatically toggle back and forth? I’ve been running around for like ages on this planet and I haven’t seen it turn back to creature pellets. If I find just one more fauna I’ll have them all for this planet, and so far, all robots. Are worlds all robot or all organic?


Looks gray to me but I'm told I'm colorblind. Found it right in the cabinet on this space station in Euclid where I happened to end up after finishing my latest Nexus mission. I can't seem to figure out how to make a multi-image post so I made it a single image. Feel free to tell me a better way to share images in the future. Nothing super special, but hey gotta keep adding content to grow the community!


Obligatory notice: I play on Nintendo Switch. Now that I can do Nexus missions and earn quicksilver, are there recommendations on what I should work towards? I like that for most of the items I have to spend several days to get enough banked to buy stuff, but it makes me hyper-aware that I should be wise about it.

Like I already got the egg to get a living ship (love it!) and the -null- bobblehead because better shields seems like a nice thing to do for my ship, but what now? do I get more exhaust trails? Do I get more bobbleheads? What about the other backpack, I'm getting real tired looking at the default one.

I'd be very curious to hear about what order people picked things up in, or what made them make the choices they did. Anyone feel like sharing their preferred buys?

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