
joined 11 months ago

Our Autumn Years, Not Golden but Interesting uses cartoons and aphorisms to portray the lives of heroes who creatively find ways to overcome overwhelming obstacles or learn to accept them and continue a meaningful life without bitterness. The obstacles are declining minds and bodies, a medical profession that lacks patience, young people who lack tolerance and families who patronize them. The heroes, of course, are the elderly who do not go gentle into that good night but come out swinging?

For example, in one cartoon, an elderly patient on the examination table directs a "bullshit meter" at his doctor and says: "Now I have a test for you." In another, an old couple canoodles in the park oblivious to the disgust of a young passerby. Other cartoons in "Our Autumn Years" show an old lady telling her friend, "I want to live as long as I find myself interesting," and an old man whose grandson tries to walk in step with him. None of these characters are pathetic or even sad.

Drawing on his medical background. personal experience, and the skills of top cartoonists, Dr. Arthur Hartz presents a picture of the elderly as having the same variation, complexity and novelty as everyone else –– possibly in larger doses. Anyone with interest in aging should enjoy this insightful, compassionate, and humorous portrayal of elderly.


Winning is not the most important thing, it's the only thing. If Americans have a national creed, that's it. We care only about the winners: the most successful, beautiful, brilliant, talented, or charming among us. They matter, their faults are tolerated, their kindness exaggerated, and their companionship sought. Losers live in a different world. This book of witty cartoons and aphorisms by Dr. Art Hartz, a former medical researcher fleshes out the two worlds,

All among us who've struggled to be a winner will have a laugh of recognition at the cartoon of a crawling, thirst-stricken man in a desert who bypasses a drink of water and even a beautiful woman to grab a trophy declaring him Number 1. And the cartoon of St. Peter greeting a hapless selection to the higher reaches of heaven with the commendation, "What you did better than everyone else was inspire feelings of superiority?"

Although the pure luck of our genes and economic circumstances of our parents largely decide who wins, we love to take credit for it as in a cartoon of a man winning at a dice game who blusters, "Damn, I'm good." And many will relate to the "super hero" of losers who says after his travails that his super power has become "to transcend rejection."

These funny, thought-provoking cartoons show just how deeply the culture of winning and losing determines our self-esteem and relationships with our co-workers, friends and family. Great gift for all those in your life who face daily the pressures to achieve the thrill of victory and cushion the agony of defeat.


Throughout History, The Human Race Has Reached Beyond Measure to Find the Answer to Our Creation and The True Meaning of The Bible. It Has Left a Hole in Our Research Miles Wide as We Still Have Not Conquered the Full Meaning of Words Once Documented Years Ago.
What if we have followed the wrong path, listened to the wrong interpretations, and are continuing to die Today because we are unable to see between the lines? We are still eating from the tree of knowledge of good and bad to day just as eve did in the garden of Eden. We Didn’t hear the message that was once given to us by Our father
I Have Studied My Entire Life to Find the Answers and Why the Whole Concept of Religion and The Teachings of a Good God and Bad Devil Didn’t and Doesn’t Make Sense. I Have Found the Answers and The Truth Begins with In This Very Book
Follow My Story and Dare to See What You Were Always Meant to See. Live For Ever in The Truth


How many times have you been riding in the car or tried to say goodbye to your child when the conversation became a verbal contest of who loves who more? "I love you to the moon and back ... " I love you all the way around the world ... and eventually; I love you to infinity!" Amelie and her mom share this kind of love. Amelie's creative imagination and her ginormous heart take this conversation a step further!

Read this fun loving book with your child and see where their imagination takes the conversation


Dr. Jose Rodriguez, PhD., CSCS, is a distinguished Kinesiologist and Sports and Fitness Therapist whose life experiences have uniquely positioned him as a guide to better health through "The Ifs, Ands & Buts of Fitness and Nutrition."

Growing up in challenging circumstances, Rodriguez's journey of weight loss, athletic achievement, and a transformational relationship with food paved the way for his career promoting holistic well-being. His path from a determined young athlete to a respected expert in human movement forms the foundation of this book.

In "The Ifs, Ands & Buts of Fitness and Nutrition," Rodriguez draws from his firsthand experiences, professional knowledge, and unwavering dedication to empower readers on their unique wellness journeys. This book isn't about dictating rules; it's a roadmap for self-discovery, helping individuals navigate the complex world of fitness and nutrition with confidence and clarity.

Join Dr. Rodriguez on a transformative exploration of health, and let his expertise and inspirational story guide you toward your personal best.


Ripples of Time is Jon-Jamal Turner's story about life as a Panther activist. It is also an unflinching examination of America's history, including how black bodies have been brutalized and policed tracing an unbroken line between the slave era and the present-day conditions. This book will expose the disinformation campaign waged by the 16th century European Enlightenment Thinkers against African people in order to justify slavery. This book will show how yesterday's injustices and racist tropes are still with us, albeit in a new form: slaves were economically exploited on plantations that were controlled by slave patrollers. Now we have neo-slavery, in which urban ghettos have replaced the plantations and police officers replaced the slave patrollers. The police still restrict (contain and control) the movements of African Americans and mete out physical abuse (e.g. George Floyd) to prop up an economic system that has white supremacy at its heart.

Little has changed; yesterday is today in Ripples of Time. While Trump's largely white supporters were able to enter the Capitol building with minimal resistance, lawful Black Lives Matter activists were met with the force of National Guard soldiers during protests over the death of George Floyd. Police brutalizing African Americans while white supremacists undermine democracy is nothing new. It's as American as apple pie. It is simply history repeating itself. The current generation of Black Lives Matter activists are facing the same issues we Panthers faced decades earlier, albeit to a lesser degree.

The third part of Ripples of Time demonstrates how slavery hasn't gone away; but instead manifests itself in the form of corporate fascism Trumpian style, which maintains the same old wealth inequalities and is promoted by ultra-right-wing corporations like Koch Industries and their political hacks. It is also a reminder that Trump still has a firm grip on the Republican Party and could come back in 2024. If he does and he is re-elected, American Democracy will no longer exist. He will finish the job he did not complete in his first term. Remember, Hitler lost his political power and credibility and served ten months of a five-year prison sentence for high treason but started his ascent to power in 1927, culminating in his election as Chancellor in 1933. We must remain vigilant and never allow this tyrant and racist named Donald Trump to occupy the White House again. We only have history to remind us how catastrophic the outcome was when Hitler was given a second chance.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

This book is our family’s effort to show case recipes collected from family and friends of the author over thirty-six years. These recipes include all food groups plus several specialty groups such as Syrian/Lebanese, Mexican with a distinct New Mexico Flavor, Italian and Asian specialties. Some of our family favorites are Kibbe. Cabbage Rolls, Grape Leaves, Tabula, Chile Rellenos, and Ruben Casserole. The Ruben Casserole was a favorite on the buffet table at the Albuquerque Petroleum Club each St. Patrick’s Day for over 10 years. Our family hopes that you will enjoy serving these amazing recipes to you family and guests.


Maybe once in a lifetime one might see something unexplainable.

Maybe once in a lifetime one might see a sunset trigger on electronic marvel.

Maybe once in a lifetime something occurred from years earlier and one can only wonder Why? Was it fate? or was it something more astonishing, For one young boy the clock was ticking.


Three old friends take a vacation together once a year. This year they go to Newport, RI so Bernice, the retired photographer, can take pictures of the 1890-1900s mansions built by multimillions for a travel magazine. While there, Lucille, the retired English teacher, swears she saw a ghost. Kathleen, the retired pastor, volunteers at a center aiding pregnant teens and women in Texas. Before and after the trip she helps a teen (age 16) escape from a Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints cult. The teen, Rebecca, was sent to Texas to live with an aunt. The grandparents who sent her did not know the aunt was now the third wife of a polygamist. There is no easy escape for Rebecca, who was forced to be wife #4 in the family, until she sneaks into the center and asks for help. Kathleen helps her and is soon threatened by the polygamist and his "wives." Soon a younger girl comes to the center looking for Rebecca and an escape plan. The girl says that her father and mothers have said the center kidnapped Rebecca. Pastor Kathleen says they did not "kidnap" her. The girl asks if they will kidnap her and help her escape. They do. As the friends work together with Kathleen, Bernice begins showing signs of dementia, which must be addressed.


This Book delves into my perspective on the fourfold mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, emphasizing its core values of love and obedience to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. This mission is deeply connected to the life and Atonement of Jesus. Originally, it began as a threefold mission, as endorsed by President Spencer W. Kimball in 1981. This threefold mission encompassed proclaiming the gospel, perfecting the saints, and redeeming the dead. President Kimball beautifully expressed, "All three are part of one work—to assist our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, in their grand and glorious mission to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). (See Ensign, May 1981, p. 5). Church members serve as instruments in the hands of God, actively contributing to the achievement of this grand and glorious mission.


This whirlwind hip-hop romance packed with drama and mystery played out against the backdrop of good verse evil. Archangle's hero develops an unexpected bond with a beautiful but mysterious woman he encounters in the mountains of Virginia. Hoping to avoid disaster, he dives head-long into a roller coaster ride of passion and deception. Bedazzled by what could be Lucifer's temptress and besieged by demons, our hero is caught in a web of mysterious women is a sinner or a saint, circumstances force an alliance that swings between the hope of true love and the possible doom of our star-crossed hero.
On the run from the law, while trying to stay one step ahead of the evil that is hot on their trail, the plot thickens as the real mystery slowly unfolds. This cliffhanger poses the question, can truly love to overpower greed, envy, and the lust for power, or will evil draw our unwitting but love-struck hero into its devious web of temptation, lust, and deception? The answer for those who love a great romance, gripping mystery, and spellbinding drama
lies between the pages of Archangel's rewarding journey.
Read less


This whirlwind hip-hop romance packed with drama and
mystery played out against the backdrop of good verse evil.
Archangle's hero develops an unexpected bond with a beautiful
but mysterious woman he encounters in the mountains of
Virginia. Hoping to avoid disaster, he dives head-long into a roller
coaster ride of passion and deception.
Bedazzled by what could be Lucifer's temptress and besieged by
demons, our hero is caught in a web of mysterious women is a
sinner or a saint, circumstances force an alliance that swings
between the hope of true love and the possible doom of our
star-crossed hero.
On the run from the law, while trying to stay one step ahead of
the evil that is hot on their trail, the plot thickens as the real
mystery slowly unfolds. This cliffhanger poses the question, can
truly love to overpower greed, envy, and the lust for power, or will
evil draw our unwitting but love-struck hero into its devious
web of temptation, lust, and deception? The answer for those who
love a great romance, gripping mystery, and spellbinding drama
lies between the pages of Archangel's rewarding journey.

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