
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Not at all. The game caters so hard to PvE players. They got hoards of new content all the time. PvP content has been very, very scarce. And with the upcoming PvE only game mode... that should be proof enough how Rare is doing everything they can to keep PvE people happy. And I don't say that derisively. It's good, those people should be happy. But claiming the game is built mostly for PvPers is absolutely not a good take on the game.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I wish I had your sunny optimism about voters driving the boat.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I believe the phenomenon of people buying houses "as an investment" is relatively new. People historically bought houses as places to live and have stability. They also happened to be a good investments but that wasn't their purpose. The change in primacy of purpose is pretty much a direct result of neoliberalization, which has been underway for decades since the post-WW2 era, but became much more normalized in the 70s/80s.

What I mean to say is that it's a current cultural trend, but hardly a law of the housing market. More problematically, if we make policy based on the assumption that people view houses as investments, it serves to reify that, rather than combat it.

I'd also be shocked if the market prices were primarily driven by your cited 65%. It's been a long time since our markets and policy-making machines have been primarily driven by the majority of the population. We are a democracy composed of powerful, minority (not speaking about racial groups but class groups) interests. Anyone blaming the 65% for our woes isn't paying enough attention to the absurd weight and influence exterted by only a handful of people and institutions.

I am someone with a life-long attachment to the island, and who is surrounded by homeowners both on and off of Cortes. They have seen their home prices go up by absurd percentages in the last 5 years, they all recognize it isn't right, they would not begrudge a market correction. Most people in my experience want everyone to live well and no one well-adjusted takes the "I got mine" attitude when it comes to housing. Meaning, a 20% drop in prices wouldn't cause them to lose their shit. Heck, they may even welcome it if it meant a thriving community. Money stuck in inflated property prices can't be invested in community, after all.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Explain. I've heard short term owners being the problem, and uber rich investment owners being the problem. Explain how long-term home owners who live in their houses year round are the problem.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

And they can't wait until we push our govt to build more homes ... So they can buy them up.

Everyone saying we need more supply is a loon. We need a reallocation of existing homes. Building more will just line these assholes' pockets.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not as far as I know. But it's gotta, right? Via EA partnership?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Sea of Thieves. Since day 1. Best Gamepass title. Easy to leave and return to.

Deaths Door is a minor masterpiece.

Tunic is a major masterpiece if you want something deceptively cerebral (looks like a kid-oriented Zelda-esque adventure. It is not, I assure you.)

Frost Punk is a very fun city builder with unique elements and design.

Loophero is a sort of tower defense but not? Strange game. Strangely addictive.

If you haven't played Jedi Fallen Order, get on it. Sequel is out and it slaps. Fallen Order itself has a better storyline than all the Disney sequels and Clone Wars (yeah, I said it) combined.

Not on Gamepass anymore, but bonus points for any former Gamepass title that was so damn good I ended up buying it when it left Gamepass. And that trophy goes to Crosscode. Maybe the 2nd best single player game I've played this decade.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Darkwood will be known as the last, actually good game to be given out via Games with Gold.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

Former Telus tech here. A lot of these were union labourer buyouts. Like, maybe as much as half of that 6000. They offered buyouts and lots of people took it. More than anticipated. My local workforce of techs got reduced by 50%.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I absolutely recommend if economy management is your jam.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I love this game. Went through almost all the scenarios before burning out. Good stuff. Excellent console controls.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I tried to get into that, but I kept coming back to "why am I doing this?" Like... I can manage a village and it's pleasant enough... But why?

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