what even is their goal? just yet i refuse to believe there is none and that theyre just dumb, because theyre obviously not.
america first for every price? but would it not be better to trade with us and have us as allies versus china and russia? we would spend our money and work together so its all more efficient.
no, but life could be better tbh.
I When i read this i always think: Na, hes retarded enough all by himself, no Russian intervention needed. xD
- do you use AM and PM too?
- the funny date format 3-8-2025?
- shoe size that isnt Mondopoint (NATO uses it, absolute chads)
lol im just writing a bit of dumb things
ups, yeah now i remember. thx
im central european. afaik here the boycott and buy european mentality isnt yet in full force. i first said that i will boycott/buy european and from western countries. then i said pls join me in the Olvid messaging app instead of whatsapp. chrome disabled ublock origin a few days ago so i said switch to vivaldi or atleast "easier" brave. i have sent my fsmily a few charts of firms which are from america and another chart of alternatives of apps.
na hes retarded all by himself xD no help needed
nice, i like that it will be this way. just dont overmoderate thx :)
you know, if i were a serb i would look at a map and see how the situation is. what do they gain by playing cool and delaying the EU accession and good relations to Bosia? with military power you eont come anywhere, Ruzzia cant support you anyway. serbs gonna serb.