Look, it's not self control. Too many tabs just scare me.
I'm going to call it - The Oil Summit from now on.
Usually one, maximum 10.
Jokes on you majority of internet users are not from India, but from English speaking countries. Any other language takes a smaller percentage.
Not yet but soon it will be
As long as real users exist on the internet, marketing will follow. If centralized social media will be even more of a shithole than already is, then they will slowly target the decentralized. You won't escape marketing.
There is a plant called cyperus zumula (cat grass) that you can buy for your cats to munch on. It's not much but maybe they will prefer to eat that instead of trying to take a bite out of your cactus. Also place your plants higher up if you can, in a place where they have no way to jump up to.
Illegale Immigranten. Wir sollten nicht versuchen, das zu verdrehen.
Don't be surprised if your identity gets stolen, your accounts will be hacked, or you will get tons and tons of scam calls and phishing e-mails if you choose to use anything from Meta. They don't care about your privacy. People also don't care unless they are already in knee - deep shit. You've been warned.
"Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland" -Merkel oder so, keine Ahnung, bin keine Kanzlerin
And people are terrified at the idea of AGI. Lol. Lmao even.
That was Van Gogh's Sunflowers painting, and the protesters knew it was behind glass protection. I love when people spread information with malicious intent. As for a street protests, you can avoid them by taking a different road or using another means of transportation. Anytime there is big traffic, I just woosh through it with my bike. Yeah I know.. Life is hard isn't it.