
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)

There is no better. Maybe they pick a name that's more intuitive for you, but it'd be less intuitive for someone else.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 2 points 4 months ago (3 children)

They have a pronunciation guide in their FAQ on the website. There is no branding that would be obvious/intuitive to everyone

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Not only are they federating with each other, but they implemented Group to Group following to help prevent duplicate posts. Its a feature that's been requested for lemmy/kbin/mbin, so it'll be interesting to see how well it works for them.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 4 points 5 months ago

which makes it that Mastodon’s implementation will not be compatible with other fediverse implementations

What a surprise! I never would have expected Mastodon to ignore compatibility with the rest of the fediverse /s

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 4 points 5 months ago

consequence of the terminally-online brain rot

Disagree. Its a consequence of corporations loudly proclaiming their support for groups when it cost nothing (think Black History Month here in the US). Corporations like to use a lot of empty marketing talk about societal issues when they can get away with it and ppl have decided to fight that by pushing companies to actually takes stands. Also, corporations here in the US have much larger voices than individual (and again this is because of the corporations' own actions), so some ppl see it as a way they can actually have an influence on their govt.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 3 points 5 months ago

But wait, there's more, we're standardizing our Groups implementation so other projects can take advantage of our App and Client API.

So its compatible with lemmy but uses a different API and they want their API to be the standard for the threadiverse? This is why we should be using the C2S, but since we're not you should just stick with the lemmy api since that's where the client ecosystem is already at.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 20 points 6 months ago (6 children)

Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer

This is probably true, but how can executives be so stupid? Every review I read praised Larian specifically and how the made a huge game with no microtransactions and tons of little loving touches. You have to be willfully ignorant to think it was the IP and not the developer and their work that people were responding to.


The lawsuit caps years of regulatory scrutiny of Apple’s wildly popular suite of devices and services, which have fueled its growth into a nearly $3 trillion public company.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 3 points 7 months ago

I wish you luck and would love to see better Interoperability, but mastodon has been against better Article support from the beginning. I'm not sure much has changed there

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 1 points 7 months ago

I suppose this is where the root of our disagreement lies. For me the technical network that links tools is not the fediverse. The fediverse is what is built on top of that network and it is inherently linked with the community

I wrote a long reply disagreeing with each of your points, but you're right. This is our disagreement. You're using the term fediverse to apply to a specific group of ppl/servers that share values with you and I think that's co-opting the term. The fediverse is more akin to the web (a platform based on technology that allows ppl access to other ppl and information) and it doesn't make sense to talk about it as a single organization.

I think trying to change its meaning like this is flawed and leads to issues like we're having now with Bridgy-Fed. You can't shout at everyone to use the tech in the way you want, because eventually there will be ppl/orgs that just don't listen. Instead, I think you should be pushing for existing platforms you're using (lemmy, mastodon, etc) to give you more control of your own data. There are ways to allow small-fedi users to create the exact type of spaces they want and anybody else to have the wide open fediverse they want, if the various project would implement them.

I'm happy to continue discussing this with you or leave it here. Either way, thanks for the chat and have a good one.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

For example, free software, no advertising as a business model, not commercial, not run by big corporations and talking over AP.

None of those are requirements to be part of the fediverse. The fediverse existed long before ActivityPub was even proposed. Free software, ad free, non commercial, not run by big corporations are all just coincidence because its a grassroots effort. Even now, there's multiple companies invested in the fediverse: Mozilla, Flipboard, Facebook, Automatic being the most obvious.

Even if you take those as given, none of those dictate any shared values. Bridgy-fed itself meets all of those requirements but clearly holds differing values. Truth Social, Gab, Spinster, etc are all on the fediverse despite being abhorrent to the majority of the rest of the fediverse.

I'm in favor of groups maintaining shared values and enforcing policies based on them. But those policies can never apply to an entire network made up of distinct projects, servers, and people all with different ideas about how it should work.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 1 points 7 months ago (5 children)

the nature and direction of the fediverse

The fediverse is a decentralized network. It doesn't have a cohesive nature/direction. It's made up of servers providing twitter-like experiences, servers providing reddit-like experiences, forums, personal websites, video platforms, etc. You'll never know all the places your fediverse data has reached because the fediverse doesn't have hard boundaries so you can't possible measure it all.

Which is why I think complaining about other what other software does is pointless. Instead, users should be pushing their own software to adopt more features to allow them to control their experience and data.

[–] 0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social 1 points 7 months ago (9 children)

a lot of people want nothing to do with it.

And nobody is disagreeing with their right to do that. They have the tools to curate their own experience. But they can't demand the fediverse work they way they want it to and no other way.


A conversation is a collection of messages with a common context. The ActivityStreams specifications define both collections and contexts, but very little guidance is provided on how to use them effectively. This document specifies an Acti


This is the proposed FEP-61cf: The OpenWebAuth Protocol. OpenWebAuth is the “single sign-on” mechanism used by Hubzilla, (streams) and other related projects. It allows a browser-based user to log in to services across the Fediverse using a single identity. Once logged in, they can be recognised by other OpenWebAuth-compatible services, ...


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And all the arguing in the world won't change the way things are going. ActivityPub isn't the standard. People want to be Mastodon-compatible, not ActivityPub-compatible. Much of what Mastodon is doing isn't part of ActivityPub, it's their own API.

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