Maybe if he spent a lifetime in a prison cell, he'd have at least one intelligent thought before dying.
less than five
It's fewer, you gormless fuxk. I'm not reading your shit any more.
Just found out today I'm really, really gay
Hi straights, gay homosexual queer man here who grew up in a closeted town in a closeted time so I got pretty good at sniffing out closet cases and :
GAY ANDREW HOMO TATE IS A CLOSET CAAAAAAAAA - rainbow flag interlude - AAAAAAAASE the likes of which I have only seen in those married suburban men who watch FOOTBALL (for the butts) and CHURCH (for the guilt)
And I know just by looking but also because ause hetero men never ever need to shout so loud about it. GURRRL. That crumpled sad face of his. That withered useless personality.
I do NOT care if he ever faces himself, I hope he leaves this earth soon and I hope it hurts for what he did to women
Ok, then I read everyone’s posts & you all already knew this. Oh well. BUTTS