I've been working on a scraper to get congress stock trades. I'm thinking of potentially just serving it as an API. If theres an API that someone else knows about I'm all ears.
Welcome to the Rust community! This is a place to discuss about the Rust programming language.
- The icon is a modified version of the official rust logo (changing the colors to a gradient and black background)
I'm working on a presentation software that uses plain text to make neat looking presentations with relatively little effort. I'm in a Post-AP Computer Science class, and I just finished an assignment using it https://git.nations.lol/grezi/#Hashing%20Sets%20Maps.slideshow
Here is where the source code is: https://github.com/StratusFearMe21/grezi-next
(Documentation for how to actually use it is in the GitHub wiki page)
Writing an axum REST API that interacts with a Postgres DB via sqlx.
Nothing fancy, really :D
I played around with petgraph this weekend for a personal project I'm working on (p2p Reddit), and it was quite nice to use! I did a naive reimplementation of a trust algorithm I found written in JS (literally copy/pasted and fixed syntax), and it's >10x faster.
I'll probably be stuck in JS land for most of the next week or two, but I hope to add this graph component in soon.
shimky a vim clone weird thing in pnk.lang
What is pnk.lang? shimky is literally the first search result for that term.
pnk.lang is a DSL made in Shell. It is used to build Tkinter GUI Python Applications a nicer ordeal. I built an IDE on top of pnk.lang. Shimky is that IDE.
I am learning more about observability with OpenTelemetry and in Kubernetes clusters in particular. Distributing tracing with connected traces between multiple applications seems like a useful concept for applications made from several services. Apparently there are even some technologies allowing traceparent/tracestate propagation via sqlcommenter to the database server though it seems those do not really have a lot of things that do anything with it yet.
Since I posted that I learned that https://github.com/DataDog/pg_tracing uses those but is in an alpha state and the commercial https://pganalyze.com/docs/opentelemetry extension seems to do so as well.