OK, I'm game.
The criteria:
Song submission
- Each Lemmy community is responsible for their own organization.
- Only one (1) song is to be sent to represent your country.
- Songs must be in (one of) the official language(s) of your country, or a regional language in your country.
- Songs must have been released within the last year (after January 1st, 2023).
- Songs must not be international hits (I'll update on how this is evaluated).
- Verification will probably require a link to the discussion thread created within your community, to ensure it's a community (not a single person's) decision.
So post a suggestion, if it has already been posted reply to that so we just have one top level reply for each song. If people like the suggestion upvote it, the highest number of upvotes gets submitted as long as it meets the cryptic criteria: "Songs must not be international hits".