Community dedicated to Android apps and software.
Related Communities:
0. Use common sense.
- No distribution of APKs from unknown sources or direct downloads. You are only allowed to share from GitHub (no direct links, repo only), Play Store, F-Droid, or Aurora Store.
- No piracy. This includes hacking, cracking in-app purchases or bypassing forms of DRM. YouTube (Music) Vanced are allowed exceptions to this.
- No rooting apps allowed. This also includes hacking software or tools.
- No apps that require root to function. This also includes Magisk and Magisk-related software. However: If the app features extra functionality that is available if you are rooted, but it is not required to use the app it is then okay. I.e. YouTube Vanced does not require root, but it features stuff that works only with root.
- No software that requires ADB or patching system files. Exceptions are well-known debloaters such as UAD and other manually approved stuff. Otherwise, ADB is not a user-friendly or safe tool and discourage its usage here.
These rules are subject to change at any point in time with or without user notice.
I use Logseq, which is FOSS, privacy first, and runs on pretty much everything.
Gave it a whirl, for some reason it takes a weird long time (~8 seconds) to startup on my phone, galaxy S8. It also insists on creating a new page for today for some reason, even after I created a different page and tried to delete the dated one, is there an option to disable that? ~~I couldn't find one~~ Ok, found it, have create a page to act as the home, disable Journals and set the home page on the setting. Still scratching my head over the startup time, but it seems like this can work