Here are the ones I'd most like to see:
- AskScience
- AskWomenOver30
- auntienetwork
- CozyPlaces
- crowbro
- EarthPorn
- FinancialIndependence
- fitness30plus
- GenX
- greyhounds and longboyes
- Guitar, JustinGuitar, LearnGuitar, and guitarporn
- hyenas
- menopause
- oldhagfashion
- personalfinance
- PetiteFashionAdvice
- Philadelphia
- rance
- retrofuturism
- RStudio
- ShitAmericansSay
- SimpleLiving
- space
- tattoos
- TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 because I love my stupid guilty pleasure trash TV lol
- TheGirlSurvivalGuide
- xxfitness
- And every single animal subreddit