Tolerance is nonsensical bullcrap whose only purpose is mental masturbation.
There are things I like and there are things I don't like, deal with it. Can't deal with it? Maybe don't ask me anything and I won't give you answers that might hurt you.
The only thing that matters is basic human decency. Also I can't match everyone's values, me being truthful matters more to me than your feelings do and I won't lie that I like X when I hate X. The common decency comes in like this - I won't tell you I hate X if you didn't ask. This is important in public jobs like medical care, I guess.
If anything, the tolerance-pushing crowd is most intolerant one. You apparently MUST like X even if you hate X and if you hate X you in fact are wrong, which is retarded. I will like and hate whatever I want, fuck you. Streisand effect is also at play. There possibly exist things I absolutely hate but I'm not aware of and it's not like I go outside looking for people to harrass for everything they do in their life.