I use Infomaniak from Switzerland, it's not privacy focus, but it's the closer to a gmail type of service. It comes with a full suit of apps and it's free.
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Before I switched to using Proton Pass I was using keepass and storing my database file on my cloud drive so that I could access it from my phone. The integration wasn’t as good as Proton Pass, but I was in full control of my passwords database.
Hot take: keep proton pass, if there is nothing comparable, and use alternatives for everything else.
If you're using linux and are not averse to using command line tools, there is pass (https://www.passwordstore.org/) – a password manager using just standard unix tools, storing your passwords locally as gpg encrypted files. On android I use it with termux. Works like a charm, and can be easily synchronized using any file synchronizing tool of your choice.
Proton is not from the EU, it is Swiss.
Hey there! I have similar thoughts, so I cancelled my plan to upgrade to Proton premium. I will still use their email (for less sensitive lists, job applications, etc). For storage, I chose Filen (Germany). For main mail and calendar, Tuta. I'm still looking for a BitWarden alternative myself.
For Drive:
https://www.infomaniak.com/en/kdrive 🇨🇭
https://koofr.eu/ 🇸🇮
https://internxt.com/ 🇪🇸
https://tresorit.com/ 🇨🇭
https://jottacloud.com/ 🇳🇴
PCloud 🇨🇭(https://landing.pcloud.com/WorldBackupDay2025 -> promotion lifetime account -50% till March 31)
https://murena.com/workspace/ 🇫🇷
https://www.leviia.com/en/leviia-drive/ 🇫🇷
Many options! 🙂
Great list! I've been mulling my options since the comments from Proton's CEO, and I'll probably be switching to kdrive.
wow, thanks, I'll totally consider the PCloud
I've been using pCloud for years and it's superb.
On a technical level or works exactly how I want a cloud drive to function - only downloads and stores files locally when necessary.
Local cache size can be adjusted so if you work with large files you can increase it.
UI is intuitive
Linux client works without issue, even on immutable OS (Project Bluefin).
Fantastic value for money. I purchased a lifetime subscription and it has already paid for itself compared to annual pricing.
Only negative I have is although there is a open source headless Linux CLI client to work with remote servers it hasn't been updated in a while and doesn't support 2 factor authentication. https://github.com/pcloudcom/console-client
I was able to work around this by creating a second free account without 2fa and "sharing" the directories I needed.
- for Storage: Hetzner Nextcloud: 1TB for 5€/month , 5TB for 17€/month
- Bitwarden offers servers in the EU and is open source, alternatively there is 1Password (canadian) for 2,65€/month with a yearly subscription
- for mail posteo.de (1€/month for 2GB mailbox with 2 alias adresses included)
For storage/note taking I use Filen.io (German), pretty cool and affordable. Have no complaints, and they have a Linux native app also.
You can check https://chatons.org/ it's a french collective of alternative hoster that offer lots free software service. They offer nextcloud, mail and password manager i think.
It would be great to see those initiative as chatons spread to the european union :)
Another alternative, if you have the technical skill and time : selfhosting nextcloud.
I like Filen. German, simple UI, easy to use, 10 GB free storage.
Do you know more about filen? Is this some standard protocol? Is everything open-source or just the clients? Does it have a solid userbase?
It's tempting to try their free tier, but if the company disappears half a way into the future, it's not worth the effort.
I use Seafile with paid hosting, Snycthing, and nextcloud. I'm tempted to try Ente for photos....
Honestly, this is past my expertise, I just know I like it. :) But I make sure to store stuff on physical media as well, I don't trust any service that much.
I use kDrive from Infomaniak (their email and calendar/tasks aswell). It's not E2EE, but depending on the plan, you get access to webDAV and can use rclone/crypt and encrypt your data yourself if E2EE is important to you. If not, they offer a 1TB plan for 1,9€/month but without WebDAV capabilities. Besides, they are privacy friendly and their transparency and use of open source clients/tools makes me trust them very much. They are also very environment friendly. I have been using them for more than a year and couldn't be happier. Btw, I am not associated with them in any way.
Mailbox.org and filen.io
For drive I'm going with Filen, they have very affordable lifetime plans that you can use with subscription if needed. It also works as a Google photos replacement but I'm looking for a better replacement for that (immitch probably). I'm also planning to use multiple services to use free tiers across them. No need to put everything on the same basket.
For pass I use 1password still, couldn't find an alternative that I liked.
Bitwarden is from the us, but #Vaultwarden is open-source and you can find a European hoster.
Pass replacement: 1Password is from Canada. Has worked great for me for many years.
How much is Proton Drive? You can get a TB storage with Netcloud from Hetzner for 5€ / month, which is quite the deal esp of you have a few friends to share the costs.
This is a great deal, but the files are not encrypted and Nextcloud's encryption plugin is wonky.
Just something to have in mind...
Yeah, that's true, I think you should be able to turn on encryption but my friends overvoted me on that one. I've heard that the encryption is wonky as well, though.
I second this.
I've heard good things about pCloud