Web Development
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Web development is the process of creating websites or web applications
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Some webdev blogs
Not sure what to post in here? Want some web development related things to read?
Heres a couple blogs that have web development related content
- https://frontendfoc.us/ - [RSS]
- https://wesbos.com/blog
- https://davidwalsh.name/ - [RSS]
- https://www.nngroup.com/articles/
- https://sia.codes/posts/ - [RSS]
- https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ - [RSS]
- https://www.bennadel.com/ - [RSS]
- https://web.dev/ - [RSS]
I can understand the reasoning, but I would have weighed the significant benefit over the little "complexity"/content increase.
The color inversion is a significant effect. It doesn't change anything for those that use their own error pages, but significantly improves the situation for people who land on these pages and are bothered by light mode.
/edit: Their PR close comment was super short (non-telling), but they later commented with some reasonable reasoning that better describes their point of view and considerations.
Waaaait - I recently implemented a simple dark mode for a simple page and thought color-scheme
declares intent/support not influence how it is being rendered. I thought I still had to define dark coloring.
I just checked and to my surprise the browser indeed serves different default/root coloring when dark color scheme is declared [as well]. :O This means I can simplify my CSS.
I must have been misled when skimming by "specifies compatibility" and "Component authors must use the prefers-color-scheme media feature to support the color schemes on the rest of the elements." missing the browser behavior change description.
As if I needed another reason to avoid nginx.
Seems like a very simple, lightweight and elegant solution to keeping the engine up to modern standards. If they were serious about keeping complexity out they wouldn’t have such garbage site configuration.
Most server admins use custom 404 pages, so the default page isn't that common in production.
Good to know. My experience with nginx is definitely on the light end. I much prefer traefik I guess coming from k3s world.
I only really knew of Apache as an alternative before.
I agree with this decision. Don't make error pages more complicated than they are.
It's literally just one line of HTML though:
<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark">
Not complicated at all.
They're already more complicated than I want them to be so I'm passing on that
Honestly, the only person using my sites is me, and I have dark reader anyway lol
If you want to see this simple change in Nginx, they're running a poll here: https://github.com/nginx/nginx/discussions/584