Did MAGA believe “the Jews” were controlling the globalist left democrats deep state or whatever to silence the republicans and fire space lasers at them ?
Isn’t that……anti-Semitic?
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Did MAGA believe “the Jews” were controlling the globalist left democrats deep state or whatever to silence the republicans and fire space lasers at them ?
Isn’t that……anti-Semitic?
No, because they will forcefully send back Jews to Israel once the whole of West Bank falls, and antisemitism is when you criticize Israel.
"Antisemitism" is a particularly bizarre thing if viewed through the lens of MAGA right-wing autocracy.
The thing is that it requires two completely different but oddly complementary lies.
The first is the standard ludicrous notion that opposing the policies of the Israeli right somehow equals antisemitism.
The second is the at least equally ludicrous notion that holding generally negative opinions of Jews in general - a thing that's not coincidentally quite common among MAGAites - somehow does not equal antisemitism.
So MAGAites live in this bizarre mirror universe in which falsehood is truth and truth is falsehood.
Not even remotely unique to Trump. Like 90% of US politicians do this.