google stepping up their quest to disorganize the world’s information
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
For actually-good tech, you want our NotAwfulTech community
with the awful (systems) assistance of self, fasterandworse and jp of this parish
no idea when i'll do another one, this one was 3 hrs faff for 5 min video lol
things I need: a better mic, a chair that doesn't swivel
I did in fact have fun! If the quick-hit format turns out to be worth your time, I have to say I quite enjoy it, and I hardly count myself as a TikTok-obsessed zoomer.
I've been a little bit sad that Ed Z dropped the rapid-fire 15-minute format once he hit the podcast big time. I really appreciated that format's conciseness; not sure if you'd want to pick that sort of thing up. I have to wonder if it's easier or harder to book people for such a delimited time slot.
oh yeah loved that format, perfect
however, Better Offline makes money
fuck yeah! it’s a very solid start, and I appreciate the (is that clickbaity enough) in the thumbnail
how much is templated now? reckon it'll be 3hrs every time?
if i stop saying "um" all the time that's half an hour less in post right there
I was going to write that it was good that you didn't say "um" all the time. (Being silent in pauses is in my experience a learned skill for most people and one that comes once one has heard oneself say "um" too many times.)
The sound was fine. I think your (Jabra?) headset did its job unless that was also the result of editing.
The imagery got a bit distracting because you look to the side of the camera. No problem for podcasts, but for video it's better to look straight at the camera to look at the audience so to speak. (Also a learnt skill.) So maybe a webcam you can place in front of the screen you are presumably reading of?
No idea about marketing a YouTube, but you got in the "like and subscribe", so that is probably good.
I thought I was looking into the camera, but phones are annoying
lol I have no idea if anyone would recognize me by that reference
(I don’t mind, just surprised at someone Of The Internet actually using that name :D)
what's that sound? is it the sound of a previous post coming past? naaaah, I'm sure it can't be that. discord's a Bro™️, and discord super totes Won't Fuck The Users®️, I'm sure I'll shortly be told by some vapid fencesitter that this will all be Perfectly Okay!
J. Oliver Conroy's Ziz piece is out. Not odious at a glance.
Yudkowsky was trying to teach people how to think better – by guarding against their cognitive biases, being rigorous in their assumptions and being willing to change their thinking.
No he wasn't.
In 2010 he started publishing Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, a 662,000-word fan fiction that turned the original books on their head. In it, instead of a childhood as a miserable orphan, Harry was raised by an Oxford professor of biochemistry and knows science as well as magic
No, Hariezer Yudotter does not know science. He regurgitates the partial understanding and the outright misconceptions of his creator, who has read books but never had to pass an exam.
Her personal philosophy also draws heavily on a branch of thought called “decision theory”, which forms the intellectual spine of Miri’s research on AI risk.
This presumes that MIRI's "research on AI risk" actually exists, i.e., that their pitiful output can be called "research" in a meaningful sense.
“Ziz didn’t do the things she did because of decision theory,” a prominent rationalist told me. She used it “as a prop and a pretext, to justify a bunch of extreme conclusions she was reaching for regardless”.
"Excuse me, Pot? Kettle is on line two."
I feel like it still starts off too credulous towards the rationalists, but it's still an informative read.
Around this time, Ziz and Danielson dreamed up a project they called “the rationalist fleet”. It would be a radical expansion of their experimental life on the water, with a floating hostel as a mothership.
Between them, Scientology and the libertarians, what the fuck is it with these people and boats?
...what the fuck is it with these people and boats?
I blame the British for setting a bad example
Hey, we're an island nation which ruled over a globe-spanning empire, we had a damn good reason to be obsessed with boats.
Couldn't exactly commit atrocities on a worldwide scale without 'em, after all.
a really big boat is the ultimate compound. escape even the surly bonds of earth!
What we really need to do is lash together a bunch of icebergs...
I assume its to get them to cooperate.
Ah, yes. The implication.
From the opening, this guy has actually been more consistent about respecting her name and pronouns than most coverage I've read. Not what I would have expected, but I'm also only through the first section.
Ziz helpfully suggested I use a gun with a potato as a makeshift suppressor, and that I might destroy the body with lye
I looked up a video of someone trying to use a potato as a suppressor and was not disappointed.
Good god
you undersold this
that guy's face, amazing
if this is peak rationalist gunsmithing, i wonder how their peak chemical engineering looks like
the body is placed in a pressure vessel which is then filled with a mixture of water and potassium hydroxide, and heated to a temperature of around 160 °C (320 °F) at an elevated pressure which precludes boiling.
Also, lower temperatures (98 °C (208 °F)) and pressures may be used such that the process takes a leisurely 14 to 16 hours.
Well that sounds like a great way to either make a very messy explosion or have your house smell like you're disposing of a corpse from a mile away.
That's what we call a win-win scenario
fyi one of better methods that american cops use to detect meth labs is to just wait for them to catch fire. whether it is a statement on how hard they drop the ball or on safety mindset of cartel chemists i'll leave that up to you
Fellas, 2023 called. Dan (and Eric Schmidt wtf, Sinophobia this man down bad) has gifted us with a new paper and let me assure you, bombing the data centers is very much back on the table.
"Superintelligence is destabilizing. If China were on the cusp of building it first, Russia or the US would not sit idly by—they'd potentially threaten cyberattacks to deter its creation.
@ericschmidt @alexandr_wang and I propose a new strategy for superintelligence. 🧵
Some have called for a U.S. AI Manhattan Project to build superintelligence, but this would cause severe escalation. States like China would notice—and strongly deter—any destabilizing AI project that threatens their survival, just as how a nuclear program can provoke sabotage. This deterrence regime has similarities to nuclear mutual assured destruction (MAD). We call a regime where states are deterred from destabilizing AI projects Mutual Assured AI Malfunction (MAIM), which could provide strategic stability. Cold War policy involved deterrence, containment, nonproliferation of fissile material to rogue actors. Similarly, to address AI's problems (below), we propose a strategy of deterrence (MAIM), competitiveness, and nonproliferation of weaponizable AI capabilities to rogue actors. Competitiveness: China may invade Taiwan this decade. Taiwan produces the West's cutting-edge AI chips, making an invasion catastrophic for AI competitiveness. Securing AI chip supply chains and domestic manufacturing is critical. Nonproliferation: Superpowers have a shared interest to deny catastrophic AI capabilities to non-state actors—a rogue actor unleashing an engineered pandemic with AI is in no one's interest. States can limit rogue actor capabilities by tracking AI chips and preventing smuggling. "Doomers" think catastrophe is a foregone conclusion. "Ostriches" bury their heads in the sand and hope AI will sort itself out. In the nuclear age, neither fatalism nor denial made sense. Instead, "risk-conscious" actions affect whether we will have bad or good outcomes."
Dan literally believed 2 years ago that we should have strict thresholds on model training over a certain size lest big LLM would spawn super intelligence (thresholds we have since well passed, somehow we are not paper clip soup yet). If all it takes to make super-duper AI is a big data center, then how the hell can you have mutually assured destruction like scenarios? You literally cannot tell what they are doing in a data center from the outside (maybe a building is using a lot of energy, but not like you can say, "oh they are running they are about to run superintelligence.exe, sabotage the training run" ) MAD "works" because it's obvious the nukes are flying from satellites. If the deepseek team is building skynet in their attic for 200 bucks, this shit makes no sense. Ofc, this also assumes one side will have a technology advantage, which is the opposite of what we've seen. The code to make these models is a few hundred lines! There is no moat! Very dumb, do not show this to the orangutan and muskrat. Oh wait! Dan is Musky's personal AI safety employee, so I assume this will soon be the official policy of the US.
link to bs:
Mutual Assured AI Malfunction (MAIM)
The proper acronym should be M'AAM. And instead of a 'roman salut' they can tip their fedora as a distinctive sign 🤷♂️
the only part of this I really approve of is how likely these fuckers are to want to Speak To The Manager
I guess now that USAID is being defunded and the government has turned off their anti-russia/china propaganda machine, private industry is taking over the US hegemony psyop game. Efficient!!!
/s /s /s I hate it all
If they're gonna fearmonger can they at least be creative about it?!?! Everyone's just dusting off the mothballed plans to Quote-Unquote "confront" Chy-na after a quarter-century detour of fucking up the Middle East (moreso than the US has done in the past)
Credit to Dan, who clearly sees the winds are changing. The doomer grift don't pay as much no mo' so instead he turns to being a china hawk and advocate for chip controls and cyberwarfare as the way to stay in the spotlight. As someone who works in the semiconductor biz and had to work 60 hours last week because our supply chains are now completely fucked due to the tariffs, these chucklefucks can go pound sand and then try to use that pounded sand to make a silicon ingot.
two giant upsets to the semi market in the space of half a decade is probably perfectly fine and won’t have multi year global impacts, right? right?
(oof at that week, and g’luck with whatever still comes your way with that)