i Wish my wife was a democrat
United States | News & Politics
Nah. Both parties suck. Repubs damage, Dems half ass do damage control, then sit around making minor changes and act like they're saviors. The geriatric fucks that hold seats have no semblance of understanding the current world and so we fall behind the curve further every year. Easy things that are obvious never get passed because those get bribed. Sick of the whole system obviously.
Republicans are the problem. Democrats are pretending to be the solution but are also the problem.
The reason Democrats deserve more hate is because they divert people from organising a solution to the problem. At least Republicans are honest about how much they suck.
Democrats don't do damage control, they actively build the machinery for the next republican to be even more brutal.
It's a symptom of our two-party voting system. I lost faith in the Democratic party's ability to do anything effectual a long fuckin time ago, the game is rigged for the rich and it will be until we wipe them from the face of the earth.
I'll do you one better, I can't stand either party
I just especially dislike Republicans right now because they're in power
I think this is a fair POV. No one is perfect. Thinking that you cannot criticise something you are part of, you like, or are somehow related to, is just childish.