The one where Lisa keeps calling the Corey hotline? She's jonesing while Maggie is playing with her toy phone.
The Simpsons
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Right about now, you're probably saying, "Troy, basically every post starts with 'Guess the Episode', is that all this community is?"
To which I say you've got some attitude, mister.
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Guess the Episode "Rules"
- Post a screenshot from an episode of the Simpsons. Frinkiac being a popular source.
- If posting a GIF the file size should be less than 1MB, otherwise it may not be animated.
- Easy, a screenshot any who's seen the Simpsons would get.
- Medium, a screenshot that would take a moment for most people to get.
- Hard, a screenshot that someone only gets after you explain it to them.
- Genius at Work, a screenshot that makes someone go, "Yeah, that's from The Simpsons, the one where the family does the funny thing".
These "Rules" aren't real, so if you think of something clever, do that instead.
Here are some words that rhyme with Corey: glory, story, allegory, Montessori... Correctori!
So at the end did Lisa call the national time hotline instead? Like back then we're calls to that free or did she rack up a big bill anyways?
Not familiar with the episode, but Simpsons characters have 4 fingers on each hand (counting the thumb of course), and there are only 8 holes on that phone's rotary dial.
Does that mean The Simpsons naturally count in base 8 octal?
Wait, nevermind, there was that episode where Homer learned the real emergency services number is 912.
Sigh, what number did Maggie dial anyways?
They count the way THE LORD intended.
LOL, touché Simpsons fan!
The one where Lisa is addicted to calling the Cory hotline. Maggie is playing with her toy phone, and it's driving Lisa crazy.
It's the one where Lisa runs up the phone bill by calling the Corey hotline and the family is upset with her despite the fact that Bart calls Australia, Antarctica, and Argentina while Homer calls Burkina Faso and Disputed Zone and nobody gets upset with them.