While I can certainly understand why this style of interface is no longer utilized, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. Likewise with the sleek designs of the Frutiger Aero variety that came almost immediately after.
Digital Art
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Please follow the convention of the images already uploaded so far i.e.:
Image title by Artists Name
In the description link the source to the image, and also include a direct link to the artists gallery. See previous posts for examples.
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I've just started using these applications again for the simplicity. I find them better in situations where I don't have albums, but a folder of assorted songs (like in the screenshot).
As a result my main music app is a lot less cluttered. I only have full albums there.
Audacious, XMMS, ReAmp, QMMP and many more are still maintained today if you're interested.
edit: Apparently XMPLAY for Android supports these skin packs, which sounds very interesting. I'm on desktop myself.
You gonna share it or what?
Try this https://skins.webamp.org/skin/e80a77798a445046576b622ca2256496/Ninja_Turtles_-_GreenSKin.wsz/
If that doesn't work visit skins.webamp.org and search for "Ninja Turtles".
Alone, she sleeps...
Well spotted. It's such a good song.
Llamas intensifying