Big fucked if true.
I looked it up the other day. We crossed 1c in 2015/2016. News stories at the time talked about how 1.5 might happen as early as 2035 if we don’t get our climate act together.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
Big fucked if true.
I looked it up the other day. We crossed 1c in 2015/2016. News stories at the time talked about how 1.5 might happen as early as 2035 if we don’t get our climate act together.
With Trump, he’s gonna help get to 2c by 2028…. Mega fucked.
Any carbon backed crypto coin I can short?
We did it guys 🥳
I see so many people thinking that this isn't going to be a problem for them because they are thinking of heaters and AC and also that they'll probably die while it's still livable.
But meanwhile they put kids on this world, who will call our generations the worst people to have ever existed.
We at least didn't have kids, and I'll probably accidentally drink myself to death anyway.
Congrats, everyone! We finally did it! And way ahead of schedule! Take that, scientists! They said we couldn’t do it before 2050. They warned us! They scolded us! But look at us now! Eat it, nerds!
This is fucking ridiculous.
Grim milestone and barely a peep about it in popular discourse. Everyone needs to prepare personally for the consequences.
For one thing I'm not expecting food prices to level off for the rest of my life. Everything's just going to get more scarce and expensive. Is it possible common foods we enjoy now we may never have again at some point?
On a lighter note. I got a new winter jacket in 2019. Between covid and the rapid decline of cold winters I've barely worn it.
Yeah, sadly not a suprise
The shape of that curve scares me. I just hope it's a sigmoid curve, not an exponential.
True exponentials are rare in nature. Things can look exponential in the short term but are really logistic.
Look at it this way: if the atmosphere gets hot enough it’ll boil off into space and then the earth will cool back down again due to the loss of greenhouse effect.
Every collapse seems to trigger 12 others, further compounding things at an insane rate
May our descendants never forgive us.
If there are any.
Don't blame me, I recycled! /s
Our mass cowardice, mine included, is our shame and culpability.
Like the German citizens who weren't Nazis but stayed quiet and didn't protest, only on a global scale. We should all be Greta, getting arrested doing the right thing, but again cowardice in the face of inhumanity is our sin.
Check out what they did with my recycling:
Yep, even in the nations I often look up to from my gold plated shithole as the last models of humanity on Earth, all the while going back to the same question...
...and being left with the same sad answer, we as a species arent the cure, and we aren't both, we're just the disease.
Just smart enough to figure out how to blow ourselves up, and still stupid enough to do it.
It always provides context for me in life to remember that, with great difficulty, humanity managed to do something I would think any sapient life form would consider a massive technological threshold/achievement: we figured out how to split the atom, releasing practically limitless energy.
...And Why did we suddenly rush to do so? To make big boomie boom rival monkey tribe.
"Our technology has exceeded our humanity" - Albert Einstein
Don't worry, cheaper solar panels, electric cars and entrepreneurs will save humanity. And by humanity I mean a specific share of the world's developed nations. Discourse on this frustrates me to an unhealthy degree.
If you promote techno-fetishism laden, borderline tech-bro driven or shitass bill gates financed media, please reply so I may wish upon your remaining bloodline an everlasting mildly inconvenient curse.
And if you like Kurzgesagt tech videos, please reply so I may respectfully call you a fucking donkey.
What's that about kurzgesagt?
I often found good citations/ research evidence linked to their claims (on climate change)
And so far, what have we done?
Pretty much nothing. We've done a lot of pretending with "let's recycle plastics", which them just get dumped anyway because fuck you, that's why.
We're slowly slowly moving to electrical cars instead of pushing hard for bicycles and public transportation. Profits over anything else!
We've day deliveries, because THAT is important. Fuck your winter
The US just choose a climate change denier who put a guy in charge of the EPA that can't stop talk about pushing businesses and economy and oil.
The world is lead by narcissistic psychopaths and everyone just lets them.
I wanted to see that compared with global energy demand
Yeah, this graph shows it all. The previous looks impressive, this one looks depressing
Sitting here in a beautiful sunny day, people can be forgiven for thinking its not a big deal.
Until you realise how much energy it takes to raise the temperature of the ocean and land by 1.5. And then that all that energy goes into every weather event forever until we reverse it.
55 degrees F in Massachusetts a week before Christmas. I was driving with my windows down. I got nuthin else. What the shit, man.
And with it, another group of mitigation advocates become doomsday acceptors in the scientific community.
I'm just sad I'll never have another snow filled winter living here
Don't despair! If we keep at it for long enough, we might destroy the AMOC (Atlantic Current), which might mean much lower temperature in Europe and North America, and much higher temperatures in the equator.
So you might not see snow in winter, but you'll probably get ice sheets in New York and Paris
I feel like we're in a movie where we are all bickering for petty reasons (namely wars and political polarisation), while in the background-- away from our sight and out of mind-- an abstract, cosmic horror is progressively happening. Preparing to kill us all.
You should watch Don't Look Up
I watched Don't Look Up long ago. But in our real life case, I imagine somehow a far more sinister yet indescribable horrific dark entity conspiring to kill humanity.
I haven't even read any of Lovecraft's work, and yet here I am imagining an indescribable horror lol.
I think now that the real horror is humanity committing a slow collective suicide. We're all trapped by our own ego that we neglect the greater problem.
Yes, the line is going up. That's good, right? Shareholders keep telling me that the line must go up, and it looks like we're doing it! Good job, everyone.
I had this on my 2024 bingo card.
God I hope I'm wrong about 2025 BOE.
According to several other data sets, 2023 reached 1.5C too. Dramatic record low Arctic sea ice volume throughout the year, and current, including at north pole is ominous for north pole being ice free in next 2 summers.
So about when can we expect the next ice age?
We're in the ice age, it's supposed to be cold right now. So... Around 100,000 years after humanity either dies out or becomes subterranean.
Line go up so line can go up
I just binged la Palma on Netflix. Here we go.