Yes, the documentation is not very good. Tutorials and forums are better learning resources.
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
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- Constructive Criticism only
- If a render is photo realistic, please provide a wireframe or clay render
Well, that might partly be the result of Blenderfoundation every once in a blue m8on decide that "now is a good time to completely overhaul the interface". Blender 2.6, I think when they started to put effort in UI, but after that the UI alone has been overhauled 3 to 4 times, I believe. And people who have lived trough all those UI overhauls (let alone introducing, and scrapping renderes that need to be worked differently each) have jist accepted to adapt "from the olden times", and never bother to update the tutprials, sine they'll be obsolete the next time Blender UI is overhauled (for better or worse).
i've been using blender since 2.8, because of 2.8, and i can't see much of a difference especially layout-wise from 2.8