this post was submitted on 08 Sep 2023
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✍️ Writing

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A community for writers, like poems, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, long books, all those sorts of things, to discuss writing approaches and what's new in the writing world, and to help each other with writing.

Rules for now:

1. Try to be constructive and nice. When discussing approaches or giving feedback to excerpts, please try to be constructive and to maintain a positive vibe. For example, don't just vaguely say something is bad but try to list and explain downsides, and if you can, also find some upsides. However, this is not to say that you need to pretend you liked something or that you need to hide or embellish what you disliked.

2. Mention own work for purpose and not mainly for promo: Feel free to post asking for feedback on excerpts or worldbuilding advice, but please don't make posts purely for self promo like a released book. If you offer professional services like editing, this is not the community to openly advertise them either. (Mentioning your occupation on the side is okay.) Don't link your excerpts via your website when asking for advice, but e.g. Google Docs or similar is okay. Don't post entire manuscripts, focus on more manageable excerpts for people to give feedback on.

3. What happens in feedback or critique requests posts stays in these posts: Basically, if you encounter someone you gave feedback to on their work in their post, try not to quote and argue against them based on their concrete writing elsewhere in other discussions unless invited. (As an example, if they discuss why they generally enjoy outlining novels, don't quote their excerpts to them to try to prove why their outlining is bad for them as a singled out person.) This is so that people aren't afraid to post things for critique.

4. All writing approaches are valid. If someone prefers outlining over pantsing for example, it's okay to discuss up- and downsides but don't tell someone that their approach is somehow objectively worse. All approaches are on some level subjective anyway.

5. Solarpunk rules still apply. The general rules of solarpunk of course still apply.

founded 1 year ago

This post is an invitation for any writers that happen to jump into this community to introduce themselves. You can talk about what genres or types of writing you like to do, how it's going, what pets you may have, whether you have seen the sun enough this summer (I sure haven't, been stuck revising too much! Haha), what informs your writing, or whatever!

Please avoid downright linking author websites or books here to keep down the self promo a little. But if you just mention the title of your works that's fine, but try to use this discussion more as opportunity for others to get to know you.

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[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm a translator, so I write (or translate) documentation during work hours.

I've also finally dared to do my own art again (after 20 years of silence, yay!), because punk is DIY, and DIY doesn't have to be professional and polished, so I write. There's a story wanting out and I have started collecting material for the chapters. Now I should probably fill the chapters with scenes, and then describe the scenes. As I have decidedly freed my art from needing to be good or presentable in x amount of time, I simply continue with it when I feel like it and let the thing sort of write itself. It's a rural post collapse solarpunk story that contains donkeys, puppetry and murder.

The real life donkeys are always first though, so this writing is slow. I also draw, and knit, and play music and garden and forage, so I mean really slow.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

hi everyone! hoping to find other like-minded authors here!

as for myself, i often like to write fantasy, scifi, or some sort of thriller urban modern world setting but with fantasy or scifi in it! i usually work on novels, non-fiction or poems aren't really my area of expertise. so far my works aren't published yet, but i got already 2 drafts close to ready with multiple revisions, hoping to make a nice start once i'm ready to throw them out via self publishing. some current events, including the whole climate disaster happening, have certainly had an influence on it, also that i'm maybe sitting inside a little too much with curtains closed to focus on my work (oops). there's often a lot of apocalyptic vibes, societies crumbling, inequality, and such going on.

i also like to include lgbtq+ representation, and often it's a bit youth focused although more for older teens if anything, the topics can be a bit gritty. i'm curious to hear what everyone else who might join here at some point is up to!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I write reports. Lots, and lots of technical reports. Boring, I suppose, but I like it, and I've gotten very good at presenting technical information in an uniformed audience will understand.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sounds interesting! What's the sort of tech area you write reports about, some mechanical or science stuff or more like computer tech? And is this more of a journalist or controller type investigative job or more of a teaching and knowledge summary thing you do?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

They're environmental reports and plans to help clients meet regulatory requirements

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I'm a hobby writer, currently trying to finish a really, really short Twine game (it's a kind of choose-your-own-adventure maker). Anyway, I've been picking away at this incredibly short game for about a year, and I'm maybe halfway finished haha. The story is set in a land with a declining local authority (settlers), and the conversations between its remnants, and the re-emerging indigenous ways.

I'm not sure how much of that will make it into the text of the actual game, but it's what's motivating it.