it should be graduated just like personal income. small business small tax. large corp, large tax.
United States | News & Politics
I get the sentiment, but I don’t think small businesses often have capital gains.
ugh. somehow in my mind I thought this was corporate tax but I guess we still won't change them much.
I mean, that's a classic political maneuver. Biden is on his way out, proposes a massive tax hike, so Harris can come in and seem reasonable by comparison.
Capital Gains taxes should be higher, and unrealized gains should absolutely be taxed when they are used as collateral for a loan. 40% at the highest bracket isn't even that outrageous historically, considering it's essentially just leeching value from the booming economy. But 40% would never have made it through Congress. 28% is depressingly low, which I guess is what Dems are going for. Something that progressives won't be happy with so it feels like a compromise.
I think we need to ask who this is for? Because its not for her voters or likely voters.
It’s for her donors, the capitalist class that funds election campaigns. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
She's fucking worthless. How much are they paying her to take a fall in the 2nd round?