Wtf does any of this mean?
Adult Animation
A place for news and discussion of animated shows, shorts, or movies aimed at audiences 13+.
1) No bigotry (sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia).
2) Be civil, kind, and try to stay positive. Not every show is for everyone and you’re free to give a critique; someone giving reasons why they didn’t enjoy something may help others decide if it’s for them. However, if people are discussing a show and you come along just to say, ‘This sucks, I hate it.’ that’s just being negative and unhelpful- Please don’t. Try just not venturing into posts about shows you personally despise.
3) No porn/hentai.
4) Tag nudity NSFW. Sometimes these shows contain nudity and non-pornographic nudity is allowed; but it must be tagged NSFW.
5) EVERYDAY Posts that are text (comments or questions or discussion starters) or links (articles or videos) and are related in some way to a non-anime adult animation are always welcome, regardless of if a theme day is also active.
Meme Mondays Image/Meme/Fanart posts relating to anything animated (adult, family-friendly, and anime) welcome on Mondays. (Remember rules 3-4; and if you share someone else's art, please credit and link to their social media.)
Anime Tuesdays and Thursdays Posts pertaining to adult anime welcome on Tuesdays and Thursdays. [Note: Anime means animation originating from Japan. It does not mean animation originating from other Asian countries or Western animation that uses an anime style of art; those would be considered non-anime.]
Family Fridays Posts pertaining to family-friendly animation (including family-friendly anime) welcome on Fridays.
Full disclosure- I have never moderated a community before. I started this because it’s something I would like to see. If it picks up and I can’t keep up, or whatever, I would be open to turning over the reigns to someone else.
A bit on the legal side- Before securities, like stocks, bonds, and notes, can be offered for sale to the public, they first must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Any stock that does not have an effective registration statement on file with the SEC is considered "unregistered."
In both enforcement actions, the SEC determined that the NFTs were securities under the Howey Test. The Howey Test determines what qualifies as an "investment contract," subjecting the asset to U.S. securities laws. An investment contract exists if there is an "investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others. Basically, This isn't the first time the SEC has charged someone for selling NFTs without registering them.
In this case- The NFTs themselves, as I understand it, were pictures of cats that if purchased granted access to view the animated show. They were advertised as something that would increase in value that could be resold.
So the company is being fined for selling them to the public without registering them. Several celebs and industry pros were involved in making the show, but it's unclear how involved any of them were in the NFT of it all. (Probably not much.)
Thanks for the info!
How did the dude go from co-director of Toy story 2 go from that to this shit. Thought Pixar was a springboard or at least a good holding pattern place