It also has such a jarring transition. At least in the sewers. The music goes weirdly silent, then suddenly this completely new track plays, then back to normal.
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I agree it sounds odd
Thanks for the feedback, this is the first bit of criticism I've heard about the new music. Are there particular region tracks that feel jarring to you, or is it all of them? I do admit that some of the new sections sound quite distinct from the existing ones, but also keep in mind that you've been used to hearing the existing tracks for about two years now, so anything new mixed in is going to sound off for a little bit.
I think instead of slitting the already great 2 part track into a randomized 3 part one was the wrong aproach for making the music sound less repetitive instead i think you could have had 2 entirely yet similar tracks for each level that played every run like alternate tracks. For example sewers 1-5 could be the old tack but when you reach the prison new music plays for the 5 floors
The existing soundtracks are already semi-randomized actually. Each track has an intro (part 1), a main segment (2), and now a new second main segment (3)
Previously they went like this:
- part 1
- part 2
- 50% chance for part 2
- loop
Now there's a bit more variance as there's another segment to work with
- part 1
- part 2
- 50% chance for part 2
- 25% chance for part 1
- part 3
- 50% chance for part 3
- loop
My reply was a suggestion i know the soundtrack was already randomized a bit but i don't think the third part is necessary, and i suggested that you make ask kristjan to make different alternate version of the songs that are like the new part 3s but instead of mixing with the pre-existing songs they can play independently for the duration of a biome