For some extra statistics:
Shows that characters from the most recent touhou game fell off in popularity. Akyuu showed the biggest jump in ranking position: 47 places, which is an absolute win!
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Touhou Project is a series of shoot 'em up games created by ZUN. This game series has fostered a vibrant and imaginative fandom, giving rise to numerous fan-made creations such as music arrangements, illustrations, manga, anime, and conventions.
The Touhou universe primarily revolves around Gensokyo. Within Gensokyo, the canon games feature recurring main characters who resolve various incidents. These characters include Reimu Hakurei, a powerful miko, and Marisa Kirisame, a human magician.
Touhou characters are predominantly female and encompass a wide array of folkloric Japanese monsters coexisting within Gensokyo.
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For some extra statistics:
Shows that characters from the most recent touhou game fell off in popularity. Akyuu showed the biggest jump in ranking position: 47 places, which is an absolute win!
pretty sad to see the 19s dropping so much, I liked them quite a bit. to be fair, I haven't seen many fan works with them so far, outside of Artificial Dream in Arcadia, so they didn't get much traction after 19 itself. here's hoping that the community comes around to them in the future
I think that dropping in subsequent voting is a destiny of most of the new characters. They probably won't be very unpopular because of their interesting design: bear traps, veil, french fries. Imo Enoko has potential