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I almost couldn't believe such buildings actually exist in the US
Yep. I lived right nearby them, pretty lively in the heat of summer.
Love the Cloisters. The Unicorn Tapestries are so beautiful.
So is it… is it okay that they bought four cloisters and reconstructed them in the US? The europeans also „bought“ a lot of art in foreign colonial countries and brought it to Europe…
I'm torn myself. At the time they were recovered they were either blight, ruin or undergoing demolition so their removal from the country actually saved some of them.
I'd say the difference in this case is it was truly bought. US colonialism is an issue, but not from anywhere these came from. Its just not on the same category as the stuff in the British museum, for instance. Plus, it's not like the countries of origin haven't had their own Rockefellers then and since.