"Hey kids, we're having your Dad for dinner!"
Creepy Wikipedia
A fediverse community for curating Wikipedia articles that are oddly fascinating, eerily unsettling, or make you shiver with fear and disgust
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Strictly Wikipedia submissions only
Please follow the post naming convention: Wikipedia Article Title - Short Synopsis
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Please refrain from any offensive language/profanities in the posts titles, unless necessary (e.g. it's in the original article's title).
If you didn't find an article "creepy," you must announce it in the thread so everyone will know that you didn't find it creepy
Aw, leftovers again?
Is there a link and I'm just missing it? If not, here's the Wikipedia
Damn it, the link didn't show on my post. I think maybe because I added text to the body of the post as well, and I guess you can't do both? ๐คทโ I've added the link to the post's body now though. Thanks for the heads-up!
A very strange and creative band named SKYND does songs on serial killers, and they have one for Katherine Knight. It's strangely beautiful and haunting.
Wow why the fuck did he get back with her after she stabbed him in the chest?