Prompt: space station on the moon, lots of glass, colorful inside, grey outside, earth in background -- Bing Image Creator
With all the news about humans travelling into space for fun, I thought it would be time for a challenge about space.
Ready to unleash your creativity? Show us your vision of humanity’s future in space! Whether it’s futuristic space stations, colonized planets, or deep-space exploration, we want to see how YOU imagine humans conquering the stars.
Submit your best AI-generated artwork and be part of this exciting journey beyond Earth. I'm sure you can do a lot better than my space station on the moon ;)
Like previous entries, take your time! Some of you can be super fast (me included) and the early bird often catches the worm. So for this challenge I’m subtracting a point for anyone who posts within 24 hours. It's not ideal, and I know it's not something everybody likes, but we should settle that outside the contest I think.
Follow the community’s rules above all else
One comment and image per user
Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
Posts that are tied will both get the points
The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
Down votes will not be counted
At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:
Prize | Points |
Most upvoted | +3 points |
Second most upvoted | +1 point |
Third most upvoted | +1 point |
OP's favorite | +1 point |
Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point |
Prompt and workflow included | +1 point |
Post within 24 hours | -1 point |
The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone! Previous entries

Agreed on sky bridge! Or like, those walkable moving sidewalks, you know, that people thought would exist in the future, decades ago?
Oh yes, I remember:
This was from over 60 years ago! 😳
What have we been doing all this time? We could have had elevated moving walkways without any guard rails by now!
We haven't been working hard on hoverboards either