Patryk Palczynski was 24 years old when we left his family home in June 2010, supposedly for a boat/yacht cruise where he was supposed to be a sailor. Unlike previous times, this time he didn't tell his mom any details. He packed his belongings and took with him 50 dollars in one note. He turned off this phone that night with no further contact with his mom.
His body has been found ashore 14th July. His hands were tied behind his back. Pavement flagstones were attached to his body. He had with him 20 dollars in one note and a turtle medallion which his mother claims wasn't his.
The police and the prosecutor ruled that he pulled the pavements stones, attached to his body, tied his hands behind his back and finally jumped into the sea in the Gdansk harbour. Then allegedly currents moved his body where it was subsequently found. That is despite:
- no such currents in this part of the sea
- no CCTV capturing him doing either of these things
- no any evidence he was suicidal
- him having things he didn't have with him when he left (20 dollars note, medallion) which is an evidence he didn't commit suicide that night (which is what the police claims)
Not to mention ridiculousness of the theory about the guy tieing up his hands behind his own back to commit suicide.
This is one of the theories that the yaht he was supposed to work on may have been involved in smuggling narcotics from the South America.
From the other hand I belive his special watch recorded his location on land for at least few days after his disappearance (and a few days after his "suicide" according to the police - I guess they think he walked to the sea after his death).