Apple is finally allowing Firefox to use its own engine on the iPhone (but only in the EU)
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Nah, that's just the typical small mindset that things should be cast away just because they have problems.
Like police. We NEED police, just not the same organization we currently have, and certainly not a police force that intermingles violent and non-violent events. We need police who don't reach for a gun and we need police who can deal with armed criminals.
The economy can be fixed. We just need a government with the balls to actually tax rich assholes and fund social services.
The wealthy actively lobby for tax breaks and relaxed regulation meanwhile the working majority don't seem to be able to stand together and demand social programs or protections from big businesses. The government is not corrupt for delivering the change that is asked if it. Easier said than done but change for the better is possible.