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It looks like the URLs for one or more of your Nvidea driver repos is incorrect which is preventing your system and the script from executing the apt update command.
I have never installed or run Linux on a switch but it looks like there's option A and option B on the L4T Mega script GitHub. One for Nintendo switch and one for Nvidea Jetson users. Considering the repos are giving errors for a Jetson repository I would double check the guides you're using and make sure that your following the right steps.
I'm following the steps just as the website says, I tried the A method but it doesn't work, the megascript came preinstalled with my linux image (the latest version available on their official wiki) I tried to paste this in the terminal "sudo apt update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" but it literally did nothing. I tried to find answers on internet and some people say that the sources.list file may be the issue but my case is different since this is the switch port (also I tried to add those URLs that gave me errors as exceptions to the sources and that just made everything worse) I dunno what's wrong I tried to enter to those URLs and the page is down, maybe that's the issue but I cannot confirm it