Men on vegan diets perceived as less masculine, highlighting gender stereotypes in diet choices.
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The whole idea of assigning gender to foods or diets is bizarre to me.... a salad is feminine while steak is masculine? What about vegetables on a burger? Or a salad with steak in it?
There are whole languages that assign gender to every object.
True, but me living in una casa (house, feminine) doesn't make someone make someone feminine by proxy
Well obviously not; being inside a female is super masculine
Hopefully obvious sarcasmThere's nothing more masculine than taking a big, burly, hairy beast of a man... then bending him over and fucking the shit out of him.
It's true. Fucking a dude that's bigger than you is the straightest thing you can do. You have: asserted dominance, fucked, and demonstrated your virility to the women.
I don’t know if you’re being serious but what does that have to do with anything? In Italian the word for “beard” is feminine, I can assure you nobody links it with femininity in any way. Just because the neutral gender doesn’t exist that doesn’t mean everything is actually gendered.
Ok but like Italian assigns gender to words randomly and on a whim.
Exactly, my point was that word genders are meaningless
@Sho @Joleee Easy, intersex! Or, if we're going with gender, nonbinary!
When has a 90s cartoon ever been wrong?
Put the steak on top of the salad. win win.
-nonbinary thinking, btw lol
Talk about a mood, I haven't heard space ghost in forever!