this post was submitted on 01 Dec 2023
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[–] 4 points 1 year ago

day 2


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.010;
use List::Util qw/ max /;

# Parse the input

my %games = ();

for my $line (<>) {
    $line =~ /Game (\d+): (.+)/;
    my $game_id = $1;
    my $game_str = $2;

    my @segments = split '; ', $game_str;
    my @game = ();
    for my $segment (@segments) {
        my @counts = split ', ', $segment;

        my %colors = (red => 0, blue => 0, green => 0);
        for my $count (@counts) {
            $count =~ /(\d+) (\w+)/;
            $colors{$2} = $1;

        push @game, { %colors };

    $games{$game_id} = [ @game ];

# Part 1

my $part1 = 0;

game: for my $game_id (keys %games) {
    for my $segment (@{$games{$game_id}}) {
        next game if $segment->{red} > 12 || $segment->{green} > 13 || $segment->{blue} > 14;

    $part1 += $game_id;

say "Part 1: $part1";

# Part 2

my $part2 = 0;

for my $game (values %games) {
    my ($red, $green, $blue) = (0, 0, 0);

    for my $segment (@$game) {
        $red = max $segment->{red}, $red;
        $green = max $segment->{green}, $green;
        $blue = max $segment->{blue}, $blue;

    $part2 += $red * $green * $blue;

say "Part 2: $part2";

Found this much easier than day 1 honestly...