I'm trying to move from duplicati to kopia based on this subs recommendation. However I'm experiencing weird issues after the first snapshot runs.
I create the repository via webdav, I see files created. I then create a default policy (/data) to backup the directory I want to and it runs and succeeds in the GUI, I get no errors initially. I see no errors in the docker log.
I then almost immediately lose access to the snapshot/policies pages with the error "Request failed with status code 500"
most folders in webdav repo location show 0 KB.
If I try to restart the container I finally get a docker error:
"ERROR unable to initialize repository: unable to initialize repository: error connecting to repository: unable to list sources: unable to find manifest entries: unable to load manifest contents: error loading manifest content: error getting cached content: invalid (offset=3047904,length=563) for blob "q94ef0b4ecdd3a04825a09c8ae9544bf7-s85b0939d1c798db9123" of size 0"
I'm assuming this is just telling me the repo is size of 0? when in reality the folder size is 11 KB
I have tried changing the docker container user to root, with 0 change, which I thought would rule out a permissions issue. I don't believe it's a webdav issue as duplicati and restic can upload just fine.
I have the same issue when I try to take a backup of subfolders (ie /data/baikal, /data/bookstack_db_data)
I know I'm doing something wrong but have no idea where to look at this point as I've exhausted my googling. Including relevant kopia compose below. The repository password I use to create the repo in the gui matches the kopia_password variable in the compose file.
image: kopia/kopia:latest
user: 0:0
hostname: docker1
container_name: Kopia
restart: unless-stopped
- 51515:51515
# Setup the server that provides the web gui
- server
- start
- --disable-csrf-token-checks
- --insecure
- --address=
- --server-username=username
- --server-password=secret
# Set repository password
USER: "root"
TZ: America/Chicago
# Mount local folders needed by kopia
- /etc/config/kopia/config:/app/config
- /usr/kopia/cache:/app/cache
- /usr/kopia/logs:/app/logs
# Mount local folders to snapshot
- /etc/config:/data:ro
# Mount repository location
- /usr/kopia/repository:/repository
# Mount path for browsing mounted snaphots
- /usr/kopia/tmp:/tmp:shared
I hope I included all relevant info to help troubleshoot.
Ask Kopia Github for support, not here.