this post was submitted on 27 Jul 2023
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[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Friend, a MAJORITY of the military are mentally unwell. Especially MI branches. I've seen clearances taken away from people for being diagnosed psychopaths after they caused issues. I saw a signals staff sergeant pimp out his underage daughter for money to junior enlisted at the barracks. There's even retards just opening posting racial slurs on their public known Twitter, and sending videos of themselves doing cocaine to their Snapchat stories. Then they get a nice and short work shift on Monday morning before getting their clearances revoked and banished to a lifetime of extra duty.

It is WILD seeing all the people on Reddit and Lemmy chimp out over some military seniors spouting bullshit without knowing how brain damaged and mentally fucked most of those types of people are.

Hell, one of them is a retired navy commander. Pretty high rank, I'm sure his retirement is good. I've watched a navy commander openly BRAG about doing unbelievably illegal [redacted stuff using Navy Assets] without any authorization because he thought he was cooler than the DoD. The man bragged to the wrong 19 year old alcoholic and is serving some time now. Those are the type of people you can expect to be trusting in this case. Often just complete degenerates.