this post was submitted on 23 Feb 2025
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Thanks very much for the time you've taken to explain this to me, I really appreciate it :)
So, just to recap so I'm sure I've understood....
Yes, the encrypted file is then placed immediately into the local Dropbox folder. Once again it's all very confusing but if I can sum that up, Cryptomator is not there to sync things, it's only there to show you a virtual hard drive.
Sure, I get that :) I'm not thinking that Cryptomater should be responsible for the syncing of anything but I was unclear that at what point in the process the encrypted file would be uploaded. Now obviously that will vary depending on the sync service you use but the important point (for me) was when the file was encrypted and moved i.e. immediately or when the Vault was saved/closed.
Thanks again to you for the explanation, I feel I understand the process much better now :)