What about for people who struggle to have emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy throughout their lives because of medical issues or mental health issues?
My ex has a brother who is now pushing 40 and has never even held a woman's hand. He has severe mental disabilities and will never live life on his own without some kind of caretaker. We know he looked at porn, partially because he refused to ever let people fix up his computer, usually out of fear of people seeing his porn.
Does he not deserve emotional and sexual intimacy? There is a high likelihood he will never have it otherwise.
until they start using it to fill a hole
What about, like in the situation I just described, when that hole will otherwise go a lifetime of being unfulfilled? Is that fair to them for being born a way they didn't choose?
Sex with a hella sexy robot? Nice.
Using a hella sexy robot to fill the emptiness of no intimacy or authentic mutual connection? Not nice.
For some reason sex with a robot doesn't feel gross to me — until they start using it to fill a hole (hehe)
What about for people who struggle to have emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy throughout their lives because of medical issues or mental health issues?
My ex has a brother who is now pushing 40 and has never even held a woman's hand. He has severe mental disabilities and will never live life on his own without some kind of caretaker. We know he looked at porn, partially because he refused to ever let people fix up his computer, usually out of fear of people seeing his porn.
Does he not deserve emotional and sexual intimacy? There is a high likelihood he will never have it otherwise.
What about, like in the situation I just described, when that hole will otherwise go a lifetime of being unfulfilled? Is that fair to them for being born a way they didn't choose?