this post was submitted on 13 Jan 2025
13 points (88.2% liked)


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I’m totally new to photography and want to get my first camera. I’ll mainly be using it for nature photography while hiking and traveling.

My only focus is on photos of the highest possible quality.

My budget is around $600, and I’ll also need essential accessories, but don't know what I'd need, like a lens?

Not open to refurbished, as I'm buying in Vietnam.

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[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

For starters, I'd need something versatile. I'm especially interested in the macro photography of fungi.

Thoughts on Canon EOS R50? And the best beginner lens for it?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah the R50 would be great! Then you can just get it along with the kit lens (where I am they're putting the 18-150mm with it, that would be perfect to cover your bases and get started on most anything).

For your macro needs you can add tube extenders (like the meike MK-RF-AF1 for example) to allow you to get closer to the subjects. Maybe later some small/cheap lights like small battery LED panels, the nice thing with macro is you don't need big/expensive lights to get really creative since the subject is so small and close.

I think macro is a really fun niche to get started in! Good luck on your journey.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thank you for the advice. There are a few options in that price range, including Nikon and Fujifilm. Would you say the R50 still stands out?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I'm personally a canon shooter myself (C400+R5C), so of course I can warmly recommend joining that ecosystem if you're serious about the hobby. Do realize that is what you're doing though, when you get started with one brand it becomes hard to switch, so think about if the brand is a good fit for you overall and not just your first purchase.

Canon is great, very solid and reliable and has remained at the top of the game for a long time, maybe not always the craziest innovators but workhorse cameras. Not the cheapest.... Especially some accessories are crazy overpriced, and the new RF glass can also be expensive but there's also some really good cheap options like the small primes and you can adapt almost anything to RF mount.

Fuji I'm less familiar with but I hear is great too and great fun maybe slightly more for casual use, which sounds bad but actually you should think about this carefully because it also means the experience will be a lot more fun and you'll have an easier time getting good looking results than with the specialist gear which gives you full control but if you don't know what to do with it then your results will be poor.

Nikon is coming back big time kind of like canon as well, we're in the return of the kings in this space with the classic Japanese companies doing pretty good at the moment, overall you'll get a very similar experience as canon with them just a different flavour.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Thanks. Fuji sounds interesting: what would you recommend from Fuji that would rival the R50 without losing any of the cool features? Or maybe you could suggest a place where I can read up on that with the most up-to-date information?