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Drarry is a popular fan fiction pairing in the Harry Potter universe that brings together Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, two characters who are often seen as rivals in the original series.

This pairing allows for a blend of tension, drama, and ultimately, love, as readers delve into themes of redemption, acceptance, and personal growth.

This is an unofficial fan community - JKR TERFing owns everything.

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03 Posts must be related to Drarry.

04 Always credit artists and authors.

For any artwork, fic, or other type of media you find and post, you must credit the original artist. If you don't know the artist, reverse Google Image Search to try to find them. Any posts which don't credit the artist may be removed.

05 Don't yuck anyone's yum.

Different folks, different strokes, etc. Save any hate comments you may have about how much you detest XYZ trope or ABC kink and just move on.

06 NSFW content is allowed but must be marked as such.

07 Canon spoilers are free reign; be cautious of fic-specific spoilers.

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That being said, as a courtesy and kindness, try not to spoil anything in fanfics. If you discuss the end or any sort of twist in a fic, please use a spoiler tag or take it to the DMs.

08 Be mindful when asking for top/bottom specific recs

you can ask for fics where either one of them strictly tops or bottoms, but don't use borderline homophobic language such as ''Harry bottoming is disgusting''.

09 Don't bash fics or authors, or even specific tropes

you can add your reviews for specific fics, but don't be rude or eccessively negative when commenting fics. several drarry authors read this subreddit and you could deeply hurt their feelings and keep them from writing more DRARRY AND WE ABSOLUTELY DON'T WANT THAT

10 No Top/Bottom discourse

lately i have noticed more and more posts where the question ''who do you prefer as top/bottom?'' has resulted in comments bordering on misogyny, heteronormativity and borderline homophobic stereotyping ofter coming up in the responses. i don't want to see this type of discourse on this Community anymore, so for now, I'd rather stop this type of posts completely from being published.

obviously you're all still free to ask for recs with either top or bottom Draco and Harry though!

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I think I might have possibly read every single good Drarry fic in existence, and I’m going actually insane.

For reference, I prefer getting-together stories, not ones where they’re previously established.

Also I really prefer ones that don’t diverge insanely from canon events, but I’ll take recommendations if the fic is spectacular.

(Also please no p*rn without plot, I’m good on that)

But yeah, any good ones you’ve read recently would make my life a million times better 😭

Thank you!

Overpowered Harry? (self.drarry)
submitted 2 weeks ago by Teknevra to c/drarry

I know. It’s hardly original, but I’m really craving a fic where Harry is like the strongest Wizard ever.

He may not be the most skilled wizard but in terms of raw power, it’s him.

I’m talking ridiculous.

Like enough power to run a small country.

This isn’t necessary, but it’d be nice if there were some fics where Harry is just oblivious to the insane amount of power he has, like he knows he’s stronger than most but hasn’t fully grasped the difference in power.

Harry x Draco (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teknevra to c/drarry
Draco and Harry (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teknevra to c/drarry
Harry and Draco Kiss (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teknevra to c/drarry
Harry and Draco (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teknevra to c/drarry
Healer Draco (self.drarry)
submitted 1 month ago by Teknevra to c/drarry

Please suggest some fics with healer Draco.

Heal thyself has become one of my favourite drarry fics, so something with that vibe.

Thank you


Hi everyone!

I read quite a bit of fanfiction within the Harry Potter fandom, and have found some 10/10 (in my personal opinion:)) works in the marauders and dramione fandoms, but never a 10/10 drarry work.

Drarry is my personal favorite ship by far, but I often feel like they fall for each other waaayyy too quickly to be realistic.

They’re aware of their own sexual tension unrealistically early on/the sexual tension is way too obvious, and/or they’re too kind to/tolerant of each other too soon.

I’m a big fan of The Captive Prince Trilogy - the slow burn and enemies to lovers plot was absolutely immaculate (I firmly believe all drarry shippers will absolutely love the CaPri trilogy), and I’m searching for a drarry fic where they feel as negatively toward each other as the CaPri protagonists for a while, treat each other as meanly, and take as long to fall for each other.

(Bonus would be if it explores their trauma like in CaPri.)

For reference, the closest I’ve felt to finding a drarry work as described was Men Who Love Dragons Too Much.

I loved that work, the writing and felt their characterizations were incredibly true to canon, but again I didn’t feel that there was enough enmity between them, and !!!!!MWLDTM spoiler until end of sentence but this is my first reddit post and idk how to blur it!!!!! that the mate trope made them move too quickly for my taste.

I’m hoping for recommendations that don’t rely on a trope like being mates or soul mates to drive their falling in love; but one where they fall in love of their own accord and one that explores their trauma with plenty of angst (but a happy ending).

Not a must, but additionally I’d like if the romance isn’t the only plot. With CaPri, I really enjoyed that there was an entire plot going on outside of the romance.

(Come to think of it, if anyone has any recommendations for any works/books matching this description, whether in a different fandom or even published, I’m very interested!)

TLDR: looking for drarry fic recs with a very slow burn where they actually are and act like enemies before falling in love, works similar to captive prince trilogy, ideally with angst and their romance not being the only plotline



Does anyone have recommendations for fics which are more Draco-Centric?

I really like Astolat's 'Heal Thyself' and Skeptique's 'Iustitia & Prudentia'.

What I am looking for are stories which show draco hitting rock bottom and then rising above in his career and when he is established and a bit confident, he and Harry meet.

Please don't recommend fics where he is assaulted and then meets Harry and is at his mercy.

I prefer fics where they are on equal footing when they fall in love or places where Harry is struggling because there Draco's chance for redemption is highlighted.

Thank you!

Auror Malfoy (self.drarry)
submitted 1 month ago by Teknevra to c/drarry


Does anyone have any auror!draco recommendations?

Preferably with a good friendship with ron?

Love their platonic friendship in a drarry fic!

Thank you!!

Crying (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 month ago by Teknevra to c/drarry
submitted 1 month ago by Teknevra to c/drarry

It’s Draco time travelling, and I remember the part where Draco tries to argue with Harry about not associating with him because he was a Death Eater, a time traveler.

Harry knows he’s a time traveler and he says he doesn’t care, that he’s always had a crush on Draco.

He’s very insistent, saying that it’s his choice. He then proceeds to confess and kisses Draco.

Then smut.

They’re still both in school at this time, I think Draco managed to do something about Sirius too.

No, it’s not the Mirror series.

It’s a multi-chaptered story.


For those looking for a solid Drarry fanfic, you might want to consider "Evitative" by Vichan on Ao3.

It's a well-written story that explores the dynamic between Draco and Harry in an interesting way.

The plot is engaging, and the character development is noteworthy.

If you're a fan of the pairing and haven't come across this one yet, it could be worth your time to check it out.

Quick Details:

  • Title: Evitative
  • Author: Vichan
  • Platform: Archive of Our Own (Ao3)

Has anyone else read this fic?

Feel free to share your thoughts below.


Leave fic recs for some good eighth year fic post war… like I need the entirety of the student body to hate Draco because of his actions as death eater and in the war and/or Harry just becomes obsessed with him again like in HBP becuase Draco seems closed off

OR leave fic recs where their just obsessed with each other post war Hogwarts

Can't remember it (self.drarry)
submitted 1 month ago by Teknevra to c/drarry

Can't remember it

OK so I know its a pretty popular fic..? Anyway it was about Harry being a sort of unspeakable who kept going back to the same day? Over and over like a time loop and his new assignment was in France where he discovered Draco's shop(he's a tailor)and was determined to wear one of his weather cloth (cuz it kept raining that day) that's all I remember lol

Flirty/Witty Drarry (self.drarry)
submitted 1 month ago by Teknevra to c/drarry

I have an itch to scratch that's calling for any fics with really good banter and witty dialogue.

Or where their flirting is just really funny and the teasing is excessive.

No particular preferences.

Maybe lay a little low on angsty, but if you have really heavy angst with good banter thats honestly fine, idc.

The only thing I am adverse to is Omega-verse, otherwise, go ham.

Lovveeee This (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teknevra to c/drarry