
joined 4 weeks ago
[–] rtc@beehaw.org 2 points 3 hours ago

GTX 1650 mobile works cool for me. 1980's–mid/late 2010's and solo dev games, yeah😁

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 14 points 14 hours ago

Pornhub is more eloquent that those governments💀

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 9 points 1 day ago

In all seriousness, I hope this person will be fine. It is usually detrimental to self preservation, with either active or passive aggression, to openly state what things are. I hope this person can protect himself from any harm of any nature (even harassment).

Incidental, but the cause of Valery Legasov's death is accepted to be suicide. Whether that is actually what happened I won't argue for however, it is something I do not know anything about.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago

I do not agree with the method of Luigi Mangione, if he was indeed the one who killed Brian Robert Thompson, because it completely put him in the power of others. A better way is to be a pain in the backsides of all such as Brian Robert Thompson (which is not going to be even a tiny fraction affected by the politics of Saint what should or should not be done as it is going to be by non co-operation, civil disobedience and boycotts), such that they can no longer do what they do and no one can simply replace them (which is what will probably happen now. I doubt too many are concerned about the deceased very badly, instead their own safety. The chances of a 'better person' taking the CEO role are low). That said, what he will face is likely to be anything but 'justice'. On the surface, yes, but I would heavily doubt any claim made that he was not subjected to illegal treatment, and continues to not be subjected to it, while in custody. This is on the basis of the reaction of the authorities to the killing, mostly from the political and law enforcement. One would think that the most benevolent person was killed by one who is varying degrees of being evil. The authorities who control the process have mostly taken a side, and that is never the feature of a system which seeks to uphold 'justice'.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

This looks like the plot of Chernobyl, which was a TV show creation of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster which tried to portray what happened mostly, re-enacted. I hope this fellow does not face harassment as a result of this article. Though that is unlikely.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 10 points 1 day ago

People with power behaving like people with power. There used to be concessions to logic, but that I see less and less.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And no matter how you keep avoiding the point, doing illegal remote tech work and handing the paycheck directly to the government, is not any different than doing legal remote tech work and handing taxes directly to the government.

Do not worry. People like me know to work around that, even with restrictions in place to stop doing basic work. The thing I 'do' is to write books which will be free to read and download for all. The plan was to make it CC BY, but the option of CC BY NC is becoming increasingly attractive. In either case I cannot monetize it, and will provide no 'exclusive' offerings behind paywalls on places like patreon. It is legally not the sale of goods in any way, and any earning will be extremely low. I'm not avoiding any topic. There are no taxes to be paid unless I make a substantial earning (even in an excessively taxed land for the not wealthy), which I say right now is less likelier than any work a thousand times worse with some marketing has a better chance to do. I've accounted for this already because I care about it—and the bitterness of such words does not go away.

On the other hand, the oppressed in North Korea who have not made that choice to join up with legitimacy at the cost of other people sure as hell have no way to complain to you about it. Just because they cannot be heard doesn't make their lives but worse them the people who contribute to it for any reason whatsoever.

And about being arrested or killed is a bad topic to take up with me.

For 3 years I faced regular starvation, sexual harassment supported by the whole family and no good person gave an eff, and unbearable pain which made me want to die everyday. Because I was born in a house of religious fanatics in a place where there is not really interest in stopping these things rather than making a political headline after death. No one gives an eff because it is common. It is normal here. Such things are 'fine'. This is after being emotionally and mentally abused for around 15 years without retort from the time I was a toddler (as far as I can remember is when I was a toddler), which increased till I was purely suicidal for years from around 10 years old. My mother tried to stab me dead when I was a toddler (which was revealed much later but I do not remember personally), tried to prove me legally crazy when I wasn't an adult yet and handed me over to religious fanatics with the reason of me being possessed by demons—after I was forced into religion, which caused a number of issues I couldn't deal with, since before I was in nursery school. Despite having good grades I couldn't secure employment because of the issues I had—issues I have fixed in time by facing everything, no thanks to 'good people'—which meant no employment and many attempts to, smugly, push me towards 'living for myself'. No employment. No shelter. No preparedness. It is not absolute death but back then it more or less would've meant death to me. I couldn't even get my own service offering of cheap books going because of regulation which is meant to stop solo businesspersons rather than aid them. The playing field of business is not levelled for those with nothing, it is set to crush those with nothing for those who have everything. The way I have survived, is by literally adapting to require less. For the sake of survival I eat around one meal every 24 hours—or more—these days. Nothing fancy and things I prepare with basic vegetables myself to ensure no nutrition is lost. I basically made a way to work in a profession in which I had no skill by developing the skill myself, because 'support' is a luxury in this endeavour I cannot rely on.

There is a person behind every comment and post you see. I have faced death for years now. In fact the lifestyle I live with the meal for an entire day is much safer than what I had in the past, even with more food to sustain myself back then. You could've done better than assume I have not faced death—or my situation is stable enough that I won't face it in the next few years.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

The people who suffer due to not making that decision will feel otherwise.

And it is nothing alike. Health Ministry and civil service are nothing like being employed in a military government where funds go directly to the government which aids in putting the systems of both suppression and oppression in place.

It isn't quite in the level of North Korea but I live in a pretty bad place and pretty much on the opposite side of those who made the decision to join up. Those people might complain but the ones who have made the decision not to aid anyone who harms everyone else have it much worse. In my situation it is their fight for luxury against my, and others', need for basic sustenance and protecting our basic dignity (which usually isn't respected) due to that one choice. In a place like North Korea the difference will be much worse, however incomprehensible it may seem.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 6 points 1 day ago

I had been intending to replace my OS with GrapheneOS since last week but have been delayed—need to back up some stuff I haven't done yet—and this post comes at a good time for me. Thank you for making it.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I never looked into that series because I can't afford it. Nevermind, since I have a backlog too…

And perhaps I'll get heroes 4 while I'm at it. The review led me to avoid it at the time. I've played 1–3 so far (not playing the expansion of 2 fully because I didn't like it and playing it regardless turned out to be painful), having never finished the base campaign of 3 let alone the expansions. I could play 4 soon after.

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The problem stated here is an extreme oversimplification of an already extreme oversimplification, but at least it covers some individuals and political entities doing horrible things. As for any actual solution, it is punishable under the law for hurting religious sentiment, is going to attract the hatred of all who are not the most powerless (from every religion and group) for disrupting the economic way of life, and is going to attract the attention of the countless Trump-size trolls in the country (a popular example). In addition to that, it is going to attract the ire of those persons who feel that making India the next China is the solution to countering China. ~~The population is no more than a resource in a classified labour intensive region, however flawed the system may be, and capital intensive is not as simple as it sounds. The whole country depends on the existence of a powerless segment, and parts of the world depend on those in the country who depend on the existence of a powerless segment.~~

In other words, get ready for many people with a vested interest in the cruel structure of the country to treat you like the most evil person in the world.

Oppressed communities also have a tendency to oppress a segment of their own, so you will have those who believe that every oppressed side is composed of saint-like persons will also be against you—in this world where it is common to choose a 'lesser evil'. It goes without saying that the oppression itself is unacceptable, of course.

That is on a large scale. On an individual scale, those who does not follow the principle of harming others for personal gain are seen as fools, and as easy targets for harming for personal gain. It doesn't matter how nice a person is, behind the niceness is usually hidden this acceptance. I would say that such persons who refuse to harm, however indirect the harm may be, are not fools but idiots who refuse to understand such a way of living which is dependent on cruelty. And I will continue to be such an idiot. If anyone is a fool, it is the persons with those acceptances. They mess around so much because they aren't happy. And the most unfortunate cases are ones who try to co-operate with the ones who would harm them with the hope of reduced hostility, rather than wholly refuse to co-operate with them. Maybe even grouping up to pressurise rebelling forces to not disrupt the plans of the group. That said, the oppression itself does not get the slightest bit of justification. The attitude to harm another for gain is unacceptable to me.

The current problem is a combination of multi-layered vested interest in cruelty, embarrassment even within the country over admitting to the occurrence of such a thing, and naivety which enables the hand which oppresses oneself—rather than denying it the aid it needs to do such a thing. In other words, political reliance mentioned in the article for the starving village was probably part of the problem rather than an improvement. If you are not respected as a human, you do not improve the situation by contributing to the functioning of those who were oppressing you. The situation seems no different from a group which had outlived its usefulness, and I think it is probably what happened. It is a horrible possibility which the vested interest group would have more interest in not knowing than not having it happen. What actually happened will be buried under layers of politics due to the embarrassment I mentioned before. Deducing things is the best one can do to know what happened. However, interested persons can also put in work to solve the problems faced by the village if they desire.

Accepting accusations of being the worst human being around at the moment now…

[–] rtc@beehaw.org 8 points 1 day ago

Not surprising


This is a very strict bar with a limiting price requirement. As for the title of the post, I fully mean giving the enjoyable feeling 100% of the time. Put forth the niche games which do this, because I do not know of any popular AAA or popular/fairly big developer indie which does this. The game must be playable for 100 hours at least, or must be replayable with the same enjoyability if it is shorter. This includes older games which have dropped their regular price.

I do not want games which "nearly do this" in your opinion (because I have plenty of those already), but which do this in your opinion. I'm looking for these for a specific reason. Do not want replies like "there's no such thing" because there are. I know of one game which nearly does this completely, while many others which do this in a major degree. And then there are the relatively unknown games which few have ever heard about but are well made, even if drowned in negative reviews (Driftland: The Magic Revival, for example, is a very decent single player real-time-with-pause strategy with bad reviews because it doesn't follow popular norms, and the makers chose to also market the multiplayer which removes the important pause. It is more enjoyable than many popular time-tested AAAs from the 2010s I have played). I've played some games which most people haven't heard about that are really well made.

I'm going to start writing a book series (it will be completely free to download and read, and share) which will follow this method. It is not easy to make such a book such that I've not read more than a very small number of long-ish books which nearly manage it, and that has frustrated me so I'm attempting to do it myself. To go the 100% enjoyable route, I need to know more things which naturally put people in this state. I do such things by experiencing them myself, and once they get there I know this is something which would fit in such a work. Some of the things I've decided on already are—

  • Not-good guys shown to be going exclusively after bad guys
  • Persons making use of technical knowledge and the knowledge of reality in general, making use of them towards a specific end like resolution of problems by their own hand. In a practical manner.
  • Making individuals, who do some or another deed(s) which is intended to harm others, feel loss and pain (not by engaging in cruelty to do so) and generally denying them what they want so they feel pain due to it.

I'm looking to expand on this by knowing more things which give me the feeling.

Any genre and type of game will do, as long as you've played it substantially and the enjoyment comes from only playing the game itself—and not things like talking about it or sharing what happened in it with others. The feeling comes even if you play it alone and have no one to talk to about it.

A game which has 100% enjoyability has no parts which get more frustrating the more you play the game, or replay the game. It doesn't matter if the game has very old graphics (early 1980's as well) or no animation. It doesn't matter if it does not fulfill modern sensibilities like full voice acting. Putting aside all concerns of what a game should be, looking at what a game is—is that 100% enjoyable. I would both like to enjoy such a game as well as possibly learn from it.

Games from any source will do. Thank you if you've read this long post till the end.

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