
joined 1 week ago
[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

This means that it is not natively supported, is it?

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 4 points 3 days ago

I'm a big fan of gen 2 so I mostly played romhacks based on that. To me the GBC offers a better experience than GBA because of the chiptunes compared to sound samples. Some personal recommendations:

  • Pokémon Polished Crystal: it's pokémon crystal, but natures and abilities have been added, new movesets making lot of pokémon viable and interesting, and overall it's an enhanced experience from the original game. I fully recommend it
  • Pokémon Prism: another romhack of crystal, but it's a complete overhaul of the game where action doesn't happen on Johto and Kanto, but on completely new regions Naljo and Rijon. It's an incredible experience, and the soundtrack is top notch (the gym leader music is amazing)

Right now if I write a comment on a community and receive a response I'm getting notified about it via push notification and even email if I set such option in my profile. However for certain subs I might be interested in getting notifications every time someone adds a new thread on it.

Is there any way as of now to achieve that?

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 9 points 4 days ago (3 children)

What game is it and why do you think it's the best card game?

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 4 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Try LinkedIn, that's where I got most of my jobs.

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 1 points 6 days ago

Seconding this. Yu-Gi-Oh abridged is super fun.


[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 2 points 6 days ago

Then maybe I'll stick to the digital version. It just streamlines the experience and I can focus on what is important: meaningful strategic decisions :D

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 3 points 6 days ago

Fortunately, in steam, gog and android there is a digital version of Through the Ages, which is 100% faithful to the physical game, has a lot of challenges and online play. That's mainly how I play, and a 4 player game with AI takes about 20 minutes.

I sold my physical copy of it. It was a difficult decision, because it's probably the best card game ever made. But it's very fiddly, and it takes about 1 hour per player. In the end for strategy games I care about making meaningful decisions, not fiddling with pieces.

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 2 points 1 week ago

Wow, TIL! Melodice is amazing, thank you for the reference!

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The wooden pieces of Quarto are really nice to touch, and create a very visually appealing game.

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Played Race for the Galaxy (a tableau building game), Through the Ages (civilization building card game) and Slay the Spire (roguelike deck builder). I'm very into strategy card games and deck builders

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Would you recommend the game? I've spent like 1000 hours in the digital version, even beating ascension 20 with all characters, and the appeal that I can play fast and quickly roll games draws me in (the same happens to me with Through the Ages)

[–] Rydra@lemmy.zip 16 points 1 week ago

Definitely a necessary move to avoid fake news. I wonder thought the applicability of this and how are they going to detect unlabeled AI videos and fine them.

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