
joined 2 years ago
[–] 23 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I literally got this error using a bootable SSD with Ubuntu Mate on it. Separate drives aren't immune to the issue.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Weird! I know I put the URL in because I had it copy the headline from it. Sorry about that!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

RIGHT?! I mean, after Cory and Xeni left, I kinda stopped reading the site and haven't thought about it in ages.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


“The Bible says, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,’” he said. “Well, when you have leaders that are not allowing the nation to be blessed of God, they’re not doing godly things, you need to replace them, get rid of them, get them out of office, put people back in there that will. You’ve got schools where they’re fighting over allowing homosexual, LGBTQ material to be utilized to groom children. … There needs to be people that will take up and sue anybody that is allowing that sort of thing to go on in our school districts and in our libraries.”



*The decision Thursday went against a judge who had advised the Oklahoma Board of Education not to revoke the license of Summer Boismier, who had also put in her high school classroom a QR code of the Brooklyn Public Library’s catalogue of banned books.

An attorney for Boismier, who now works at the Brooklyn Public Library in New York City, told reporters after the board meeting that they would seek to overturn the decision.*


Oh those sad, sorry publishers. It'll be so hard on them if they can't make as many billion dollars per year off publicly funded research. How will they ever survive on less than $19 billion?


Although open-access advocates and library groups support the move, opponents argue the new policy will limit researchers’ ability to maintain control of their published work—and cut into the $19 billion academic publishing industry’s profit margins.

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