
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Great analysis, thank you

[–] -2 points 1 hour ago

And you fuckers called me crazy for saying there was a concerted propaganda effort to conflate "neoliberal" with "liberal"

Neoliberals are Republicans.

Liberals are Democrats.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

I like my job. They pay me fairly for 100% effort, so I give 100% effort. It's the only place in my career where I feel like that's the case though, so you're mostly right. But there are exceptions.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

I'm so lucky with my job. Whenever I see something that needs improving, my bosses are behind me 100% and I get loads of support. We just don't have enough people, is the only problem, because the company refuses to hire more. We have the support but not the manpower.

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago

Growing up poor (in a poor area especially) is such a different experience. My tree was barren from age 13 or so when I realized that if you don't have money, you can't do any of that stuff anyways. The idea of wasting my life away sounded like such a luxury. I didn't have options, I had needs.

[–] 4 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Every day at work, Bao Minh spends only two hours creating posts for his company’s social media with ChatGPT and the remaining six hours on watching movies.

And that's...bad? Sounds awesome to me

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

That's only true in England, because they don't flourinate their water. In the US, you get plenty of flouride from tap water.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

They tend to be concentrated in a few areas. There was one place I lived where none of the dudes living there had ever even seen a white dude in person other than cops and social workers.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

It often feels like revolution is the only option

Well, first of all, that's never gonna happen.

But more importantly, the boring shit is working. China's greenhouse gas emissions probably peaked this year. The US peaked ages ago. The world isn't far behind china. Taxes on fossil fuels and investments in renewables will see us through this. By 2026 at the latest, every year will see decreasing global emissions.

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago

Funny, in American English, "institutionalized" means "sent to an insane asylum".

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago
[–] 2 points 5 hours ago

I'd tell them they're being duped by people harnessing their anger.


Also knowns as the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle


I'm not hip to the lingo


Aside from racism. I mean economically/socially, what issues does too much immigration cause?


Inspired by this thread:




You have all the powers that Putin currently does. Everyone completely loyal to Putin is now loyal to you. Enemies of Putin are enemies of you. Putin no longer exists, and there has been a clean and absolute transfer of power to you. The economic, military, social and political situations are the same as they now are. You are not inhabiting Putin's body, you are just you. You're magically transferred to the Kremlin. The world at large doesn't know your past life, to them you have magically appeared as the new ruler. To everyone who knew you before, you just vanished.

Edit: no one knows your past life YET. They'll quickly figure it out. You will not lose any support based on your actions in your past life.


Especially for those of us with no coding background, who can't just build/edit an app.

For example, I like using Gadgetbridge to replace my fitness tracker app:

It's not nearly as full-featured as a regular fitness app, but it literally can't connect to the internet so there's no way anyone can get my health info.


Not like "I went to school with one" but have had an actual friendship?

I've had a couple of conversations recently where people have confidently said things about the Black community that are ridiculously incorrect. The kind of shit where you can tell they grew up in a very white community and learned about Black history as a college freshman.

Disclaimer: I am white, but I grew up in a Black neighborhood. I was one of 3 white kids in my elementary school lol, including my brother.

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