
joined 3 months ago
[–] 3 points 4 hours ago

Yo, Children of Men where all the dudes are shooting plastic pellets let's go

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

My employee stock purchase plan went through recently. I missed selling before the dip caused by all the other employees selling. Normally I will ride it out for a bit and the stock jumps back up but this time I had a sense it was going to just keep dropping. I waited a couple hours for it to partially rebound and managed to time it perfectly, it's only been downhill since I sold lol

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago

Omg is that a Kentucky fried movie sound bite out in the wild??

[–] 8 points 12 hours ago

I was on the bus the other day and watched someone unpack an entire mcdonald's haul and systematically put all the trash on the ground by their feet, kick it into the aisle, put the unwrapped food back in the bag, then stepped on the trash to leave one stop after they got on. Humans are amazing

[–] 10 points 22 hours ago

I'd argue there's a good chance he doesn't understand anyway but there's someone wormtonguing him in the background that does understand

[–] 3 points 22 hours ago

Around 90% of Swedes speak English and tech jobs are often done in English, from what I've heard. You could potentially get a work visa

[–] 35 points 23 hours ago

I've tried this with my cat before. Unrelated but my cat bites with incredible force

[–] 6 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

Live with the crushing despair of having a tech job that provides no real value long enough to have a degrees worth of money and living expenses then get on a student visa, is what I'm attempting anyway idk probably there are easier options

[–] 9 points 1 day ago

Cries in programmer while looking at northern Sweden

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

This is cooking for me, among other things. I'm always going to be spending money on food might as well have fun with it. Plus if I'm good at making food other people will do the dishes lol


Do you think assemblers are for suckers? Do you want to pack everything into one assembler because that's just efficient? Well say no more fam I've got your back! The Chesterizer is the all in one solution for all your chest needs. Just set some values conveniently split across multiple locations and away it goes. It's like magic!


There's a particular high level folder that I use a lot across many applications. I'd like it to behave similarly to Documents/Music/etc. in that it is visible in various applications when I go to browsing. I'm able to add my folder to the file viewer either drag/drop into the panel or through favorites but when I do things like try and open a new vault in Obsidian it only shows me the default folders. Is there a way to add a custom folder so everything can view it in the same way as Docs/Music/etc?

Edit forgot to add: I'm using Pop_OS! with Cinnamon DE


I've been trying to code python on my deck and I can't for the life of me figure out how to activate the virtual environment. I keep using "source .venv/bin/activate" and it does nothing. No errors, no feedback, doesn't hang, doesn't use the environment, nothing.

I've tried installing Kitty to see if it was an issue with Konsole but the exact same thing happens. It works fine in Visual Studio Code but I do t want to have to open that every time I try and run a command.

Anyone know why this could be or what I could do to fix it?

Edit to add: This is my first real attempt at Linux idk what I'm doing in a very broad way. Only other time I tried was nearly 15 years ago dual booting Windows/Ubuntu but that lasted like a week because Windows kept blowing up the config and I needed some Windows only programs for school

Solved edit: I don't exactly know what was up. If I made the venv with the terminal, it would work in the terminal but not work with VSCode's terminal. If I made it in VSCode it would work in VSCode's terminal but not the normal terminal. I uninstalled VSCode, made the venv in the Konsole terminal, and everything seems to work fine through PyCharm instead.


75 tons was ridiculous and honestly we never should have released such a bulky monstrosity in the first place. The new Deliverator Slim is now a mere 73 tons!

Turns out the amount of water produced from melting ice is 20, and the amount of water needed for fuel and oxidizer is 10 each. So instead of cycling between fuel and oxidizer with a water override, we can just cycle to run one of each recipe. No storage tanks necessary!

R&D was also informed about a width issue with previous designs. With the removal of the water storage tank we were able to dramatically improve aerodynamics. For very brief periods of time while flying towards a planet, this sucker can hit 50km/s!



I've removed the self-sustaining ammo since it was just using up too many resources to be worth it for a small design. There were times where if it got low on ammo mid-flight it couldn't keep the engines on long enough to make up for being pulled into a planet's gravity due to the iron consumption. So I had to supplement it with ammo deliveries anyways, and I decided to just rely entirely on that. I also swapped out one of the solar panels for an accumulator and it seems to be working well.

The other main improvement is to the chem plant logic. It no longer needs buffers for the fuel and oxidizer. I use the on recipe complete signal to run a counter, mod by 2, then use that to flip between fuel and oxidizer. There is still a water tank to trigger a low water override.

If the chem plant is filled with too many resources it tries to run the recipes twice causing a lot of problems with the counting logic. Now the inserter is only active if the chem plant is not actively working which keeps it happy.

I noticed that when idling at a planet it backs up on fuel or oxidizer, clogs the pipe, then uselessly thrashes recipes. This creates an imbalance in how much fuel is available and while not proven I'm assuming it could create a condition where it can't use enough fuel to clear out the pipe and everything stalls. To prevent this I detect when I'm in orbit around a planet and stop producing fuel at that time. However I also realized if it somehow gets into orbit with a very low to zero amount of fuel that could prevent it from firing up again. So the orbit kill switch is hooked up to a timer and only disables the fuel/oxidizer production after 8 seconds.

I believe I could get the design down to 74 tons if I can figure out a consistently safe way to run the logic without the water tank, but 75 is such a nice number. I could also remove the accumulator but that causes worrisome power dips. The blinky lights are a core part of the ship's functionality and cannot be removed.



Part of our adventures making minimum viable transport ships. This thing barely works, moves slowly, can't fire at many asteroids, only sorta supplies enough energy. It gets where it needs to eventually though and includes the most important space ship feature: Blinky lights


I've been experimenting with using circuits to set recipes. This latest one was a lot of fun because it has to make water to feed back into itself for the other two recipes. The circuit logic is surprisingly simple with the new selector combinator and combinators being able to use red and green wire signals separately

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