On the on hand he was only three months old, and still growing. On the other hand it only took two months for his jaw the grow completely back. That's pretty crazy.
Really cool article, thank you for sharing it.
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On the on hand he was only three months old, and still growing. On the other hand it only took two months for his jaw the grow completely back. That's pretty crazy.
Really cool article, thank you for sharing it.
I remember listening to a podcast about this subject and was quite surprised to find out that the ability to re-grow limbs is way more common than we've previously thought and I think they were saying that the same mechanism that allows this to happen on other species is present on humans aswell.
Was this podcast by a Dr Curt Connors?
No I don't think so. It was a quest on either Joe Rogan's or Sam Harris' podcast like 2 years ago.
I can't tell if some layers of irony are happening here, but Dr. Curt Connors is The Lizard from Spider-Man
Lol we just commented the same thing at the same time.
Deleted. Chuckleslord beat me to it by less than a minute.
Interesting stuff. But why does the dog's "Cancer survivor" patch have the rune of Odin on it?