Honestly? I went straight to members, but I always go off the wiki money making guides. :)
This one here: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Free-to-play
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Honestly? I went straight to members, but I always go off the wiki money making guides. :)
This one here: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Free-to-play
Cool thanks Ill check it out, and yeah I'm trying to save for a bond! Haven't played members since like 2011 on my OG account that is lost, and honestly it was overwhelming even then, cant even imagine how it is now.
I totally get wanting to buy bonds with gold. But honestly, if you have the money irl. You should just buy membership with real money. Spending so much gold when you're just starting again, just sets you back soo much from want you want to do ingame. And it can kinda suck all the joy out of it if you're getting no progress.
Also if you want to stay f2p for a bit, find some f2p discord community. They have so much information on what to do. I have litterly only played as members, so I have no clue on what to do in f2p
If you have Amazon prime, wait for them to give out a week of membership, then do herb run and birdhouse rubs to make money to afford bond. It will be a chore but it's doable even with 1 farming and 1 hunter.