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Can you elaborate with your setup.
I have installed and set TTS engine from Accessibility settings.
Cannot find any further options for screen reading.
How to set it up for regular usage
Define "screen reading". If you mean like for blind people you will have to turn on talkback from accessibility options, download Android Accessibility Suite from the play store or Talkback_TFP from fdroid. If you just mean apps reading something themselves the app has to support that. I know feeder (rss reader) and librera reader do and osmand does too
Thanks, that did it !
Only Expeak NG is working on recent android versions. But the build on f-droid does not contain languages, neside English... So the only way to install and use espeak for other than English is to download it from github releases.
Working version: https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/releases
- Related issue: https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/issues/1078
- Espeak NG built without language files: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.reecedunn.espeak/
- Old Espeak not working on recent versions: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.googlecode.eyesfree.espeak/
The one on F-droid worked for me without issue
NG or the old? Which Android version are you on?
I tried the old version on Android 13. With NG I had the same problem as in the Github issue
I'm on Lineage os (android 13) and I am using the new version of espeak. For me it worked after installing it.
Strange. For me the fdroid NG didn't contain any languages, it started, I could set it as the TTS engine, but no sound came from it. Maybe device language also matter?
Possibly. I don't speak anything but English so I couldn't say