I still shoot film with a fully mechanical camera. Love how deliberate I could be with film.
Simple Living
This is a place to discuss simple living in all it's forms. Some may live a different life to you & that's okay, everyone is welcome here. Please keep it civil, we're all here for a good time.
Cooking, painting, gardening
I...can't believe I'm saying that, but I just joined a dance course. (I'm utterly terrified, lol.)
Lindy hop, a social dance (swing music). It costs something to join a course, but once you know what you're doing, it's not an expensive hobby I guess.
Wish me luck!
Juggling, unicycle. The circus crowd is a nice crowd to hang with and is usually not about the money whatsoever.
There are some groups in my city who organize non-profit training meetups together, multiple times a week. Usually in school sport halls, when the kids aren't there. In the summer, people meet in specific parks together. The biggest juggling convention in Europe (EJC) is basically a juggling festival with thousands of visitors every year, each time in a different country. Not free, but non-profit as well. There are lots of smaller conventions like that everywhere. If you ever feel like learning to juggle, feel free to come and join us!
Building Gunpla models. I have a dozen built and have another dozen more still in an ever growing stack of boxes.
Playing the guitar. I played the bass but since I moved to Korea I couldn't take the bass and amplifier and box with me so I switched to a western acoustic guitar.
Another one which I love even more is cooking. I basically do 80% of the cooking in our family and I enjoy the process so much from finding the ingredience, washing them, cutting them, doing the cooking in the right order in the right pace so everything is done correctly at the same time and can be served warm and the people you love can enjoy it.
I'm starting to get into lego, never liked it as a kid and now I just don't have enough money to buy everything I want haha
I start a project thinking "hey, I can just do that by hand really quick!". Then I spend weeks contemplating how stupid I am not to do this with a machine. Until the next project. I admit that I lowkey enjoy it though.
Hahaha the inertia of using a sewing machine is real!
Writing poetry
Growing plants!
Guitar, hiking, biking
Gardening, weightlifting, makeup, swimming, colored pencils, healthy cooking, nail polish, kayaking, reading, brushing up on my French, practicing my guitar.
Library, books, cross stitch, and knitting.
Guitar, books, and vinyl.
Fishing, specifically freshwater lure fishing, is a wonderful cheap hobby that gets you outside, exploring your surroundings and learning about your local wildlife